Chapter 6

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The others would have burst out laughing at the absurd idea, if not for Alexander's pale face. Adrian was the first to speak up, his voice quivering slightly.

"You're joking, right?" Alexander whipped around, his glare causing the younger to flinch.

"Do I look like the type of person to joke?" the sharpness in his voice scared even Yan-Ting, who took a step back. All of them were watching their leader carefully, attempting to wrap their minds around what he'd said. Alexander's gaze dropped back down to the folder in his hand. He opened it and flipped through the pages, coming to a stop when he found blueprints.

"They mapped everything out," he muttered, "the only thing we're missing are the materials and to see if this shit actually works." Alexander dropped himself onto the chair.

"We're making a a different dimension." Sung-Ha echoed the leader's words. Flavia quietly reached for the blueprints and proceeded to examine them. As she reached the end, her face became pale.

"It's possible but the power surges released after could have consequences." She bit her lip, hand twitching nervously.

"What kind of consequences?" Asked Milena carefully, noticing her sister seemed deep in thought.

"I have no idea. The bigger the power surge released the more dangerous the consequence. It could be possible that there's no consequence. I haven't done any research and it will take me a while until I figure out exactly what this machine will do." Sung-Ha took her hand, effectively stopping her twitching.

"Don't worry about it too much now. We can start properly doing work tomorrow. You can work on that as a side project, since the list of materials is already here and we'll probably have a lot of jobs to do." Alexander nodded along to the medic's words, turning around to begin once again looking through the folders. The other's silently dispersed in the living room, quite probably still thinking about the absurdity of it all.

"That goes for you too Alexander. Put the folders away and into the control room." The leader raised his eyebrows at Sung-Ha, who simply mimicked the gesture.

"The faster I read this the better." Alexander said, opening yet another folder labeled jobs only to have it slammed shut by Sung-Ha.

"You're exhausted. There's no harm in waiting one night. Put it away while I see if there's something to make food out of." Sung-Ha gathered up the folders, handing them to Alexander and giving him a light shove to the control room. It was confusing for the leader, the fact that Sung-Ha didn't seem to be the slightest bit intimidated by him. In the end he shrugged it off and decided to just go into the control room. The room was incredible, with half of it being filled with computer monitors and a ton of other electronic devices. He quickly placed the folders on a wooden table, which appeared to be for briefings, and examined the filing cabinets labeled with each of their company names. As he walked out of the room, he heard Sung-Ha yelling to the others,

"There's enough stuff for me to make some food for tonight and for us to have cereal for breakfast tomorrow. This means that some of us will have to go shopping tomorrow." The only response he got was a multitude of groans.

"Is there no way we could get groceries delivered." Whined Adrian, getting smack upside the head from Sung-Ha.

"Where would they deliver them to? The middle of the forest?" Alexander sighed, hating the idea of anyone of them going grocery shopping.

"Flavia and I will be busy tomorrow and there's no way Yan-Ting is going anywhere."

"Right you are." Came Yan-Ting's rough voice from somewhere in his room. The leader rolled his eyes, then focused them on three people in the room.

"Santiago and Milena definitely need to go, since they are the ones most capable of defending themselves in case something got out about us." They didn't seem disappointed by this and Alexander had to guess that they were up to something.

"However! I don't trust you two alone and since Adrian doesn't have any control over you and will probably end up fighting with Santiago, Sung-Ha will have to go with you." Sung-Ha definitely knew that it was leading up to this but still sighed heavily, mumbling things about being a babysitter while heading to the kitchen. Milena and Santiago didn't take the news much better and ended up silently pouting. To take his mind off the paperwork, Alexander decided to go check out the room he'd be sharing with Nicholai. The room had two of each on opposite sides: A bed, a closet, and a desk. There were certain specific things on each bed. On Nicholai's bed lay an outfit in complete black along with an earpiece. On Alexander's bed there was simply a laptop and an earpiece. He guessed the door directly across from him led into a bathroom. It was a strange layout, as the bathroom door was right between the two beds. Alexander didn't spend much more time in the room, seeing as there was no need to. Instead he wandered into the living room, taking a seat on the couch.

"If we're going out tomorrow, would it be okay for us to pick up some things from our old homes?" Alexander stiffened at the question thrown at him by Milena. Of course he'd thought of going out to retrieve some things from his home but then he realized he didn't really need anything else.

"I believe it would be no problem as long as you are quick. Who would be going?"

"It would be Santiago, Sung-Ha, Adrian, Nicholai, and me. Yan-Ting said he didn't need anything and I'll pick up stuff for Flavia." Alexander nodded and had to contain a small smile when he saw Sung-Ha's eye twitch. It must have been from the thought of being stuck with both Adrian and Santiago.

"I do have rules for you however. First of all, no getting in trouble. This means Sung-Ha will drive. Only three of you will be going into the grocery store. Sung-Ha, Santiago, and Adrian. Milena and Nicholai will stay in the car. When you go into your estates only the person to whom the estate belongs to and one of the bodyguards will go. Take weapons with you but dress normally. Jeans, shirts, that kind of stuff. Got all that?" Milena nodded vigorously.

"Sung-Ha, you got that?" Alexander asked the male in the kitchen.

"I drive and I babysit, got it." A couple of indignant shouts came from the others but he simply sent them a smirk. Not long after they all got together to eat dinner, all except one.

"Can one of you please go get Yan-Ting?" Alexander asked. Santiago immediately got up, a sort of too innocent smile on his face.

"I got it." Everyone else warily looked at each other as Santiago rounded the corner. Not even five minutes later they heard a scream of pure rage come from Yan-Ting's room, followed by a string of curse words.

"I think he's pissed." Said Santiago, walking back with a smile tugging at his mouth. The other's looked at him incredulously, Nicholai was about to open his mouth when he was interrupted by Yan-Ting.

"I'm going to fucking murder you." He was shaking, eyes locked on Santiago. Milena couldn't stop the snort that escape her as she saw that Yan-Ting was completely soaked. It didn't take a genius to figure out that Santiago had poured water on him to wake him up. Alexander thought that Yan-Ting would yell at Milena or at least send her a glare, but he seemed dead-set on going after Santiago.

"Come at me lazy ass." was Santiago's only response. Nicholai, Adrian, and Yan-Ting were the shortest out of the males, in that order, but Yan-Ting seemed to be the one filled with short bitch fury. In one swift movement he had thrown a sort of rainbow dagger, which caught Santiago off guard, and pinned his sleeve to the table. All of this came as a surprise to Alexander, who had deemed Yan-Ting to be relatively useless.

"Don't test me you little shit." Alexander decided this was a good time to break everything up, considering the fact that Santiago didn't seem to have taken the hint and was about to say something.

"Santiago, don't mess with Yan-Ting anymore, please. Yan-Ting, you should really go change." Yan-Ting grabbed his dagger and food, heading over to his room. Everyone looked at Sung-Ha with pity in their eyes, sleeping in the same room as Yan-Ting sounded terrifying.

"If I'm dead tomorrow I'd like blue roses at my funeral."

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