Chapter 5

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The living room was incredibly large, with a long L-shaped sofa taking up the middle, facing a television. Behind it there was a kitchen, a dining table set inside it, with enough space to seat all of them. Directly across from the entrance to hell was simply a wall, to it's left there seemed to be a hallway and to the right the same thing. Alexander guessed those were rooms.

"Well, at least we get to stay in a nice place." Adrian sighed.

"I hope there's a medical kit somewhere." Sung-Ha watched Nicholai limp over to the couch.

"There should be." Alexander walked over to the hallways. He took the left one and was surprised to see two doors on each side, labeled.

"It appears, that even while they're dead, our parents control everything." Yan-Ting spoke, startling the leader.

"Was it necessary to sneak up on me?" He asked, not allowing a hint of emotion into his voice. Yan-Ting just shrugged but a smile was tugging at his lips.

"Well look at that everyone! Santiago will be rooming with Adrian." The reaction from those two was nothing short of expected.

"Like hell I am!" It was the first time Alexander had heard Adrian yell.

"It's set in stone. Kind of. It actually says it on this door." Milena was holding back a laugh as she looked at the door which had a plaque that said the rivals' names.

"Oh hell no. Why?" Alexander peeked into the living room to see a fuming Santiago and a slightly annoyed Adrian staring each other down.

"For the love of god. Is it possible for you two not to kill each other, please." A headache was slowly starting to form and the leader was ready to throw them both into the maze.

"According to these rooms, the sleeping arrangements are as follows: Santiago and Adrian, Milena and Flavia, Yan-Ting and Sung-Ha, and Nicholai and me. No complaints!" He narrowed his eyes at Santiago and Adrian, managing to shut them up.

"Sung-Ha, if there are medical supplies anywhere they must be in that hallway." Alexander spoke, motioning for the medic to follow him. To the right there was only one door, labeled 'Control Room' while to the left there were two, one labeled 'Medic's Room' and the other labeled 'Training Room'. He left Sung-Ha to prepare whatever he needed to and went to go get Nicholai.

"My guess is this room will be used more times than it should." Muttered Nicholai, closing his eyes briefly as Sung-Ha cleaned the cut on his forehead with alcohol.

"Stop twitching so much Nicholai." Alexander could tell that Sung-Ha was struggling to apply the bruise cream, seeing as Nicholai jerked away slightly every time the medic touched the bruises.

"It's cold." Nicholai's only answer.

"So you twitch when it's cold but not when i'm applying alcohol onto your cut." Alexander smiled lightly, leaving the two to bicker by themselves. He grabbed the folders on the table, bringing them closer to him. His headache worsening as he realized he had to read through everything as quickly as possible.

"You seem to have something on your mind leader." Flavia approached him carefully. It seemed every one of his team members was able to startle him, even if he didn't show it.

"These don't look like too much fun." He admitted, opening the first folder labeled Private. Immediately he was faced with a bright pink sticky note. It stated that no one was to open the folder until after they had done a couple of jobs.

"Well that's fortunate, one less folder to read, no?" Alexander laughed without humor at Flavia's attempt to comfort him.

"Could you ask Sung-Ha if he has some advil please?" Flavia nodded, stepping away. It took a lot of effort but Alexander managed to tune out the sounds of Milena and Santiago enthusiastically speaking about combat. Placing the file labeled Private away, he took the one labeled clients, which was the thinnest. The papers inside were filled with names and their corresponding personal information, including how they were useful to Blue Rose. He made a mental note to give the folder to Flavia later so she could remember everyone on there. It would be simpler than carrying the folder around all the time.

"Here you go." Sung-Ha placed a glass of water and a small pill in front of Alexander, who nodded in thanks. The next folder he picked was labeled Project Blue Rose. He quickly scanned it over to get the general idea before diving in deeper. Mid-way through his scan he choked on his water.

"What the fuck is this?" The others immediately turned to look at him, Yan-Ting even came out of his room. A strangled sort of laugh escaped Alexander, making him look slightly psychotic.

"Alexander...are you alright?" Flavia watched him carefully, but her words barely got through to him. Instead he got up slowly, staring at the papers in his hand.

"They're asking us to build a fucking portal. A portal to another dimension and if we screw up we're dead."

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