Chapter 12

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Adrian woke up with a gasp, groaning as he realized he fell asleep. Granted he had only slept for ten minutes according to the clock but it was still reckless of him. A small moan of pain and the rustling of bed sheets alerted him of the fact that Sung-Ha was awake.

"Hey, how are you?" Adrian lightly touched Sung-Ha's arm, attempting to give him some kind of comfort.

"Not good." Spoke Sung-Ha, wincing as he tried to accommodate himself into a better position. He cursed quietly, sweat dripping off his forehead.

"I need you to do me a favor." Adrian nodded, watching as Sung-Ha fumbled with the tubes connected to him. It took Adrian a couple of minutes of searching for the morphine and hooking it up to Sung-Ha before the both of them could fully relax.

"Thank you and sorry for whatever I say when it kicks in." Sung-Ha sighed, looking up at the ceiling. Soon enough his breathing eased and Adrian could tell the morphine was doing it's job.

"I wonder if my mom watches me sometimes." Sung-Ha mumbled, attracting the attention of Adrian, who'd spaced out.

"What?" Adrian didn't know what exactly he was supposed to say to that statement.

"I know dad killed her," Adrian inhaled sharply, "I found the papers. The car accident was too perfect." The more Sung-Ha spilled the more Adrian's sinking feeling grew. He knew there was no way Sung-Ha would speak about this if he weren't on pain meds.

"Sung-Ha, maybe you should just go to sleep."

"I always wondered why dad never killed me too. He didn't like me, obviously. Guess it makes sense now." Alexander had said that Sung-Ha talked about food when he was loopy, not about his past and quite frankly it was making Adrian uncomfortable.

"Will you go with me?" Adrian was shocked out of his thoughts by the question thrown at him.

"Go where?"

"To my mom's grave. It's her birthday on Saturday. I miss her." After weighing his options Adrian decided to just agree. According to Flavia, Sung-Ha wouldn't remember a thing.

"I'll go with you but you need to sleep right now." Adrian took the blanket and gently spread it out around Sung-Ha. The next couple of hours before dawn break were relatively uneventful. Sung-Ha would wake up every once in a while, mumble about fruits or some other questionable topic, and then fall asleep again. At around six in the morning Flavia came by, claiming she needed Tylenol for her headache.

"Why don't you just take Advil." Flavia didn't respond as she seemed to be holding onto the countertop for dear life.

"Are you...okay?" Adrian stood up from his place on the chair, placing a hand on Flavia's back. He attempted to look at her face and realized she seemed about to throw up.

"I think...I have a concussion." Spoke Flavia slowly.

"Do you need me to take you to the bathroom?" It was right across the room but Adrian had the feeling she wouldn't make it there without falling if she tried to go by herself.

"Please." Adrian took slow steps towards the bathroom, helping her kneel in front of the toilet. Softly he brushed away the hair from her face while she threw up.

"Flavia?" Adrian heard Milena's voice from the hallway and called out to her.

"What's going on?" Milena frowned, watching Adrian rub Flavia's back.

"Concussion. I'm okay though." Milena took over Adrian, allowing the younger to go search for Tylenol. Around half an hour later Flavia was back in her room, Alexander the next to come into the room.

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