Chapter 19

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He put her on speaker, effectively silencing all conversation in the car.

"What do you want from us Za'Niyah?" He asked, getting straight to the point but she simply laughed charmingly.

"I like a man who gets straight to the point." Nicholai scowled and she continued, "I'm the leader of Matricaria. You may have heard of us?" Alexander vaguely recalled the name of the rebel group, a group that the governments involved in Blue Rose had deemed dangerous to the project's existence.

"I have, my question has however still been unanswered. What do you want from us?" Alexander's tone was cold but Za'Niyah ignored it.

"I want you to destroy project Blue Rose and the government leaders involved in it." She spoke with authority, as if she knew Alexander would do what she said.

"We're the governments puppets, how do you think we'd pull that off?" Asked Alexander, a shiver running down his back at the thought of what she was asking them to do.

"Oh I'm sure you'll pull it off. Once you finish I'll release Santiago, Milena, and Sung-Ha, understood? You have four weeks." She seemed to be done with the conversation but Alexander wasn't.

"Why do you want the project destroyed?" He asked, hoping to gain further insight into what exactly was going on.

"You know exactly why." Her snarl was evident even if he couldn't see her.

"Fine, fine," Alexander knew there was no point in arguing, "tell us what you did to Yan-Ting." The mentioned male had gotten worse and was now laying on his side with his head on Adrian's lap. Adrian seemed to be trying his best to make him comfortable but Yan-Ting wouldn't stop shivering, muscles spasming every now and then.

"Oh him? It's quite easy. Have you ever heard of black widow spider?" She asked and Alexander took in a sharp breath.

"Turns out its venom is quite an effective poison when extracted and mixed into alcohol. I believe he'll be fine with some black widow antivenin, maybe a fever and some muscle cramps. Now, remember, you have four weeks or your friends are as good as dead. You hear me?" He responded curtly and hung up, telling Flavia to speed up. Alexander rested his head against the headrest behind him, closing his eyes.

"We'll get them back." Nicholai said and Alexander looked at the rest of his team, each one of them with an unreadable expression on their face.

"Antivenom." Muttered Yan-Ting, bringing them all back to the current reality. They had finally made it to the estate and now Flavia had to drive them to the place they now called home. They made it, going through the whole ordeal of undoing the security measures. Adrian searched the fridge for the antivenin while Flavia prepared the IV and Nicholai dabbed Yan-Ting's arm with alcohol.

"Just our luck that the chemist of the group is poisoned." Muttered Alexander, watching as Flavia mercilessly stabbed Yan-Ting with the IV needle.

"Not gentle." Huffed Yan-Ting, wincing as she forced him to fully lay down on the cot.

"I'm sorry I can't give you any painkillers. I don't know if there would be a problem with mixing them with the antivenin." Yan-Ting waved her off as if to show he didn't mind but it looked odd considering his hand just flopped around.

"Alright, we'll let you rest." They headed out of the room and Alexander collapsed on the couch, a hand running through his hair.

"This isn't your fault Alex." Nicholai sat down next to him and Flavia sat down on the floor in front of him with Adrian.

"That's besides the point-" Alexander was cut off by a ping resounding from his phone. He opened the messaging app, noticing that he'd received three video attachements from an unknown number. A sinking feeling overtook him as he figured out who the messages were from.

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