Chapter 11

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"Get the fuck away from me!" Alexander wondered why he could never wake up to the sound of birds or even better, silence. But no, it had to be a less than welcoming wakeup in the form of shouting and fighting.

"If you don't shut the hell up, I'll make sure to lock both of you in a room together. Let's make it the hunger games but with only two participants." Even in black satin pajamas and a cowlick Alexander was able to look somewhat intimidating. He still hadn't gotten comfortable enough around the group to walk around in clothes other than suits. Hence he stuck his head back in his room and went to change. Once he walked out, the shift in his mood was apparent to everyone around him. It didn't take a genius to figure out he had remembered that today was their first official mission.

"Alright, the meeting was scheduled for noon, meaning we have to leave at eleven to get there. We have three hours to get everything ready, got that?" Alexander sighed as he took in the sight of everyone still half asleep at the table, well, everyone except Sung-Ha. He took matters into his own hands and slammed the wooden cutting board onto the table, effectively giving everyone a heart attack.

"What was the purpose of that?" Nicholai asked, clearly aggravated about the fact that his tea was now on him and not in his cup.

"Three hours for you to get ready. Now for the love of god pay attention so you don't get brutally murdered." Sung-Ha shook slightly as he gave Alexander his coffee. Worry shone brightly in his eyes and he wouldn't stop looking everyone over.

"Alright mom, you can stop worrying now." Santiago rolled his eyes, also having noted the worried glances Sung-Ha was throwing.

"I'm not worrying. Shut up." Alexander found it amusing how much Sung-Ha seemed to care for them when they'd been together for less than a week. Soon enough that amusement morphed into a dark sort of feeling. He had begun caring for them too, in an odd, Alexander, sort of way. But caring for others is dangerous, they become your weaknesses. The heart starts confusing the mind. Thoughts of everything that could go wrong on the mission began to root themselves in Alexander's mind. It wasn't until Nicholai grabbed his wrist that Alexander realized everyone was looking at him.

"I'm sorry, I missed that. What did you say?"

"I said I found this watch in one of the vents. It's supposed to help us with our upcoming missions." Alexander was too focused on inspecting the watch to process what Nicholai said. Adrian however, was not,

"Why were you in the vents?" Nicholai just shrugged, brushing it off as something he was trained to do.

"You drool in your sleep by the way." Added Nicholai, watching in amusement as Adrian turned red and lost his temper. So as to keep the peace before the mission, Alexander decided this would be a good time to intervene:

"The watch face has the Blue Rose symbol, my guess is this is how they will recognize us."

"Well, thank god Nicholai found it then." Spoke Flavia, pouring herself a second bowl of cereal much to Sung-Ha's dismay.

"You're going to get sick on the drive." He said.

"We aren't getting in the car for the next three hours."

"Yeah, and I feel like for the next three hours you're going to stress eat the entire fridge." Sung-Ha retorted, waving around the knife he was using.

"I'm not the one we should worry about, isn't Alexander the one with motion sickness problems?" Flavia looked at him innocently to which he responded by rolling his eyes and telling the two not to involve him in their petty fights. After everyone got dressed in their usual business attire, they assembled in the training room.

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