Chapter 8

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Thankfully, the trip to the grocery store and estates went well. There were some minor hiccups, including Adrian losing his shit and attempting to strangle Santiago but all in all everything went well. Alexander and Yan-Ting had dragged a sort of cart all the way to the car, filled it up, and then sprinted with everyone to the entrance of the underground house.

"Never again am I going anywhere with you lot unless Alexander or Yan-Ting come with me." Panted Sung-Ha, collapsing on the couch. Milena snorted, bringing her stuff to the room she shared with Flavia. Soon enough the cart was emptied and placed back into a storage room.

"Hey, can I talk to everyone please?" Said Alexander, gathering them all at the dining table so that Sung-Ha could hear while he was cooking. They looked at him expectantly and so he decided to simply drop the bomb on them.

"We have jobs to do the day after tomorrow, including a deal with Dragons." A variety of things occurred at the same time: Yan-Ting dropped the ring he'd been playing with in surprise, Adrian choked on his own spit, and Sung-Ha's hand slipped, causing the knife to cut him slightly.

"What the fuck Alexander?" Spoke Yan-Ting, not hesitating to cuss him out.

"Not my choice. All the jobs for the next two weeks have been planned out for us by our parents." They were quiet, only the slight sounds of nail biting, caused by Nicholai, and leg bouncing, caused by Milena, were heard.

"We don't have a choice, right?" Said Adrian, allowing his forehead to drop onto the table. A small hum from Alexander was the only answer the group needed. Sung-Ha seemed to want to protest but was busy tending to the cut on his palm.

"So what, do you think we're prepared to go carry out these missions?" Nicholai had thrown a trick question at him. Alexander didn't know whether to answer them honestly or lie to them and say everything was okay. He chose a mix between the two, knowing that they wouldn't believe him if he chose the latter option.

"I think that with some training today and tomorrow we'll be good. Flavia said there are simulations in the training room so if we do well in those then that means we're more or less prepared." Alexander almost cringed as he finished speaking. Both Yan-Ting and Sung-Ha we're looking at him suspiciously, the latter even raising his eyebrows. The obvious thing to do was ignore them and so he did that, focusing his attention on Flavia. She seemed to be informing the others on everything she'd learned about the simulation.

"Apparently the Training room floor sinks, allowing multiple simulations to be executed. There are about fifty different simulations, give or take, all with many different outcomes. We'll be doing one at random a little bit after lunch. Hopefully we'll pass the simulation." There was tension in the room, which was to be expected. Alexander decided to take that time to look at the last folder he had, labeled Rosett & Co. A groan escaped his lips as he realized that he still had to make sure everything was running smoothly with the company. Thankfully the Chief Operations Officer, President of the company, and Chief Financial Officer were able to take care of most. Alexander just needed to take care of some business meetings, oversee the company, and make sure nothing goes downhill. It was simple really.

"Everyone, please remember we still have the companies to take care of. We can't let them sink." He called out only to receive a number of curses in return.

"Not my fault." He replied. It didn't take long for lunch to be ready, thankfully. Flavia was a big eater and tended to get cranky if she hadn't eaten. Alexander found out when he accidentally bumped into her before she'd eaten her late breakfast this morning. After an awkward lunch, the group spread out on the couch and seats in the living room. Milena and Santiago seemed to be having some kind of drawing competition.

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