3-Try Me Bitch

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The tour made me feel like i was going through the royal castle. It was a huge stone school with five buildings: two pools, a football field, tennis court, and track. It was so big it took us an hour and a half to learn everything and get around.

Our tour guide was a student who came in on the weekend to help us out. Her name was Kacy, I think. She had long orange hair in a braid and small freckles dotted her face. Her green eyes were bright and wide. She spoke with a lisp and batted her long eyelashes at me.

"So this concludes our tour." She spoke. We stood at the doors of the main building. "I hope to see you around Ben." She put on a wide smile.

I nodded slowly, freaked out. She opened the door and James and I walked out. He hadn't been really speaking to me because of what I said. His tone was sadder with me, and his sentences were smaller.

We got to his car. "I think she likes you." He said.

"Cause you know so much about girls?" I said getting into the car.

He got in also. "Trust me, i was quite the playboy back in my high school days." He winked.

"They had that term in 1821?" I asked.

He laughed. "You're a funny boy." he said. "You remind me of myself."

"Is that supposed to be an insult?"

He gave me a wide smile and then started the car.

The next day was my first day of school. I didn't know if i were excited or angry, or maybe scared. I didn't want to deal with the snobs. I wasn't a rich kid. Well, my mom's sugar daddy was. I was just a kid with no money.

I decided not to wear any of the expensive clothes James got me and wore my old ones. I put on a big black jumper, and then blue jeans. I threw on some worn out black boots and my old chewed up backpack.

I met my mom downstairs. "Ready to go?" She said.

"As ready as a deer running into a stampede of lions." She smiled.

My mom pulled up to the school and I got out. I placed my hand on the cool glass of the car. "If I don't make it, I want you to know that I'll always love you."

She rolled her eyes at me and drove away. I smiled and turned around examining the arena before me. I felt like I was in the hunger games, except everyone else had an advantage. Mad money. I walked up the two set of stairs through the differed crowds of people.

I went into the A building and walked down the familiar corridor with velvet colored floors lined with golden lockers. Everyone stood with high chins and expensive clothing. Every guy and girl in here looked so rich it made me cripple.

"Oh my god Sally, you got a nose job!" A group of girls said and jumped up and down.

I looked at them and raised my eyebrow. I looked over to a group of guys. "And I told Terry, at least my trust fund isn't in the hundred of thousands." They all broke out into a fit of laughter.

What was so funny about that? I'd love to have whatever life Terry had.

I heard a loud banging from behind me. Everyone stopped and turned around. I as well spun around.

There was a boy being pushed up against a locker by another boy. The boy being hurt was small and scrawny, probably a freshman. He couldn't do anything, but he squirmed. The guy hurting the kid was tall and muscular. His hands wrapped around the boys collar as he loomed over him.

Where I used to live no one really got bullied, but when it happened and I was there. I'd always stand up for the kid, even if the bully was six foot like this one right here.

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