Ch. 94 "Grounded"

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                                       Hayden POV 

"Your joking?" I said crossing my arms with a bit of sarcasm and anger, 

"Don't take that tone with me," Clint said 

I glared at him, 

Yeah he thinks he's funny, I thought 

"Until you can understand the rules you are grounded," He said 

"Understand the rules, you mean the one's that consist of staying away from Pietro and not going out," I said angry, 

"You and I both know that is not the problem," He said 

"Well it seems like it," I said glaring at him, 

"You are grounded and you are not to leave this room do you understand," He said 

I glared at him, 

"you can't-" I said angry 

"End of discussion Hayden," He said and left, 

I sat there stewing, and stewing, 

"The hell with this," I mumbled 

I walked over to my closet, and put my Outfit on, my quiver with arrows, and my bow, 

I tied a bunch of blanket and towels together, I grabbed two magnets I kept on the small white board that had to-do lists on it, 

I opened the window putting the magnets on the sensors quickly, 

I throw the blanket rope out the window and climb down, 

"Grounded what a joke," I mumbled 

I stood on top of a building putting a com in my ear listening to police scanners, the wind blowing my hair, 

"Robbery in process, I repeat robbery in process at the corner of 20th and 21st street," I hear the police scanner, 

"Perfect," I mumbled 

I jumped roof to roof until I was there, 

Three armed men, breaking into a jewelry store, 

I see the first man with the bag of good, 

I pulled back on the bow, which hit the bag, and imbedded it into the ground, They all looked in the direction, 

I zip-lined down knocking the first man off of his feet, I kicked him in the head as hard as I could which rendered him unconscious, 

The second man went to shoot me, I ended up kicking his gun out of his hand, I pulled back on my bow, 

Which two arrows hit him one in the middle of his left hand and the other in right shoulder, pinning him to the brick wall, 

The third man also tried to shoot me, I used my bow to knock it out of his hands, he went to hit me I caught his fist and bent his arm behind his back until I heard a pop sound making him fall to the ground, 

I then grabbed his head with both of my hands, and kneed him in the head as hard as I could making him fall unconscious, 

I walked away, 

"Grounded yeah right.." I mumbled 

                                       Clint POV 

I know Hayden is upset with me, but It had to be done, her staying out all hours and not coming back until afternoon, while I was worried sick, 

I was worried her parents escaped and took her, 

But it was worse she was out with a boy, Pietro for the matter a fact, I thought 

I was sitting on the couch, with Steve, Nat and Bucky, 

Steve was flipping through the channels, 

Then he landed on the news, 

The news anchor was out front of a jewelry store where it shows three men being cuffed and carried into ambulances, 

The bulletin that was streaming on the bottom screen is what caught my attention 

"Bullseye back," 

"Wait don't change that," I said 

"Not even moments ago was this nice jewelry store broken into and robbed, but multiple witnesses that none other than Bullseye stopped the robbers taking on three armed men and securing the jewels, not only did bullseye save this store billions of dollars but bullseye also stopped three men who have been robbing local stores, I'm sure everyone including myself are asking the same question, where has bullseye been in these months, but all we have to say is thank you and welcome back, this is Rebekah signing off," The News anchor said 

I ran to Hayden's room I hear the set of foot steps behind me, 

I open her door

she was gone, a blanket rope tied to the bed post, 

I sighed, 

"Find her," I said upset, 

Everyone nodded and I walked out to find her myself, 

I have to remember Hayden isn't used to this, she was brought up in a family that didn't give a damn about her, so I have to assume she's never been grounded, 

She also used to sneak out all the time, I thought 

I looked up at the sky, 

But she does need to learn these rules are to keep her safe, and that I do give a damn about her, she does keep me on my toes, I thought I just hope she doesn't get into any kind of trouble I thought as I started in my search to find her,

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