11.It's all clear now

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"Oh shit,my backpack's gone! Fuck!" -Ross Lynch,2015

11. It's all clear now:

"Mack?" My eyes shot up as he places his coffee on the table.

"Hey,Laura!" He greets,his white teeth showing.

I narrow my eyes confused "Wait,you know me?" I watch him sit down across me,an amusement smile appears on his face. He let out a small laugh, "Of course,silly" He took a sip of his dark coffee,while I'm over here,more confused than before,if that's even possible.

"But...how come..?" I mumble to myself,playing with a piece of hair that has fallen out from the ponytail.

"By performing together?" He said as he puts the hair behind my ear.

I let out an uneasy chuckle,"Yeah,I know.It's just.." I trailed off.I bite my lips,trying to sallow the tears that had came to the corner of my eyes.I took a deep breath before giving him a pleading look.

"Don't call me crazy after this,I really don't need to hear the name again" He reaches out his pinky finger, "Won't,I promise".

As I tell him the whole story,he had drank 5 cups of coffee. "Oh god,that's a mess" He finally speaks up after an hour of me blabbing. "Yeah.." I ran my finger through my hairline,while staring at the empty cup.

As if he thought of something important,his eyes suddenly wide open. "Wait,did you say professor Dean?"

I watch him carefully before answering, "Yeah?" His excitement scared the crap out of me,

"No way! That's my teacher!"

I cover my mouth,surprised.What a small world! I was about to squeal,but then I notice something wrong right away.

"When did you change school?" I ask,while I slowly put down my hands on my lap.

"About a few months ago,but that's not the point! We need to get you to the professor now!" He stands up,holding my hands trying to drag me to the door.

"No,Mack wait!" I nearly shout to stop him.He stops mid-way turning around with a 'what's so important' expression.

"I can't just leave! I'm in mental hospital,remember? What if my parents find out?"

He sighs and walks back to his seat. "Laura,remember they're not really your parents.Do you want to save Vanessa or not?" His dead serious face makes me nervous.

"Of course I want to save Nessa! But Mack,they're people too. All they want is to have a normal sweet daughter,and from how I been acting lately,I'm far away from that!" I confess truthfully. He licks his lips,eyes staring at the view outside the window.

"I understand,but Laura,this may be the only chance to change your fucked up world! Just think about it,okay? You know where to find me" He winks before leaving me alone at the now un-full cafe.

I sigh as I walk up to get my third coffee.

Damn,I'm gonna need caffeine to survive from now on.

I tip-toed into my room,trying not to wake Ayen up. I don't need to guess,they're 100% mad at me.

I sighed in relief when I see the room is pitch black.

"Where.the.fuck.have.you.been" The high pitched voice made the hair of the back of my neck stands up.I'm gonna face them sooner or later anyways.

"Hey.." I wave,smile at them sweetly.

"How have you been?" I titled my head to the side,trying to act as innocent as possible.

Then the bright light came back.I squint my eyes and wined.Oh god,have I transfer to a vampire?

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