7. Who do you think you are?

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A/N:Ello,exam's over,so new chap!!!

Read it till the end for lots of important stuff.


7. Who do you think you are?:

"Austin..?What are you doing here?" I blink my eyes a few more time,making sure I didn't go crazy.Well,apparently I already am.

"I..I came here to apologize,you know..cause it didn't go well.."

He scratches the back of his neck nervously.Did I find that attractive? A little.

Just a little.

"Oh.." I replied blankly.Well,I mean what else should I say? 'It's good to see you again?' I'm pretty sure he's the last person I want to see.

Pretty boy with cold heart,eek I think I'll pass.

"Did I interrupt you guys?" He nods at Ross whom I forget is still here.

Even though I want to shout a 'yes' at him,my poor brain replied a no.

"Nice to meet you..Austin?" Ross says,not sure if his name's Austin or not while reaching out his hand.

"Nice to meet you too..?"He stops,waiting Ross to fill the space with his name.

"Ross.Ross Lynch" Austin wides his eyes,having the same expression I had.

"Ross..?As THE Ross?" He looks over at me,waiting for my respond.I simply nod and turn away.

Rude much? Probably,but what girl will want to see a boy who practically broke her heart?

That's like a no for forever.

I can see he's nervous by my action.

"You know I never want to leave you right?" He asks,like if it's caring and romantic.

All I can think of and hear is,bullshit.

"Are you trying to pity me? If yes,then please leave.I certainly don't need it" I nearly shout at him.

He took a step forward,trying to reach my hand but I slap them away.

"Ally,you know I'll never do that. You know how I feel about you.I love you to the moon and back.You're my everything" I roll my eyes at his comment.

"Cut the sweet talk and tell me why you're here" I shove my hands in my pocket while giving him a death glare.

He tries to comfort me,but smart boy decided to let it go.

"Give me a week and I'll prove it that I don't care what they say anymore. I don't care if you're crazy or not.I love you because of who you are and I'll never let you go" He gave me a determined look.

Should I fall for it?

Should I give him a chance? There's 99% chances he's lying.

"Why should I trust you?" I look into his hazel eyes.

"Because I know deep in your heart,you want to"

"So...Ally huh?" Ross looks over at me.

Just a dream[discontinued]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora