15.Second chance re-do

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15. Second chance re-do

What. The. Hell is happening?

I look around the car, not knowing what to do. Are they dead? Are they alive? I put one finger under Hayes's nose, feeling air brushing it, I let out a sigh of relief.

I need fresh air.

I unbuckle myself and try to open the car to only find out it's locked.  I look over to see Mack's in the driver seat. Just as I was about to reach over and unlock the car, a mass of black covered my eyes. Oh great, what now?

I slowly open my eyes, the woman in black from all of my pervious dreams is standing in front of me. " Hello? Can you tell me what's happening?" I try to reach out to her, but my arms won't get the signals. Not any part of my body can.

"One boy, two hearts. The boy you think you loved will be the one send you in coffin." She says. Another piece of useless information I apparently need to know.

"What does that even mean!" I cry out hopeless.

"I'm giving you a second chance, Marano. Choose wisely"


"Laura? I think she's dead!"

"She's not dead, she's still breathing"

"Then what happened. Is it because of the chocolate? I'm sorry Laur, wake up and I'll give you another one"

"You have another one?"

"You guys are so noisy" I sit up and rub my head, the pain is real. I feel like a car's been running over me for umpteenth times. I look around to see everyone's awake and all looking at me as if I'm a psycho. Oh yeah, I am.

I'm not even surprised to see I'm the one that fainted.

"What happened?" I look out the window, it's pitch dark outside. It's probably not even half past midnight.

"We don't know. We were half way on our way to find a hotel and suddenly you fainted" Hayes explained while studying my face to find any scars and I don't know, hints?

Wait, rephrase that. Half way to find a hotel? I was about to question out loud till I tile my head and see Kirsty sitting right next to Ayen. No scar, no blood. Perfectly still and flawless. I point at her in shock, " Weren't you dead?"

Kirsty looks at me in hurt and offended, "Excuse me?"

I rub my eyes tiredly, " I didn't mean it in that way. We were in the hotel, and the next morning you..." The woman's words replayed in my head, I'm giving you a second chance. Did she turned back the time?

I turn on my phone, the bright light attacking my eyes.

2:30 a.m.

We were back at the exact time we arrived at the haunted hotel. I look out to see the same sight, big trees along the road and I know in a matter of time we'll be there.

I chew my bottom lips nervously, after a few minutes the neon sign, somehow seems like waving us in, of course caught Mack's attention.

"Well, I guess this will be it." He was going to pull into the park before I yanked his arm, "No!" The car was unstable for a while causing everyone to slump foreword. Mack grabs the wheel tightly and turns back giving me a shock look.
He looks like he was about to shout at me, but perhaps the look on my face is pretty much self-explanatory. "Okay, what is it now?" He sighs defeatedly, slowly turning back to the road.

"Maybe you're not tired Laur, but we are. I know it looks shitty but it's our only option" Hayes glares at me, taking out his chocolate bar.

"You better save that for later" I mutter.

He gives me an unbelievable look, shaking the bar in front of me and bites it, hard.

"Look, just trust me on this. We were in the hotel for somehow, I don't know a day ago? That hotel is haunted, Kirsty died in there. We were running away, afraid the killer will end us all, then somehow we ended up in a car, you all fainted or something while I was the only one not!" I released all the stress and story all at once, feeling anxious just by re-thinking everything that apparently did happened.

"Okay, then how we are here now?" Ross leans forward and looks at me. His knuckles turning white, that's how tight he is holding my seat.

"I don't know. This lady that kept showing up in my dreams did the magic. She turned back the time and gave me a second chance" I lick my dry lips, realizing how desired I wish to have something to cool down my now burning, desert-y throat. Mack glances at me and hands me a bottle of water, which I gladly take. I gulp down almost half of it, feeling fresh and a slight bit better.

"Why did she do that?" Ayen peaks from her seat, staring at me with wonder as if I know the answer to everything. I shrug, "I don't know. All I know is, we'll have to be careful with every decision and every move we make. Anything can lead us to another hanging cliff, waiting for us to fall in any second." They nod and the car is silent again.

"Well, where should rest now. Mack's gonna past out soon." Kirsty pipes in, knowing she's right here and fine makes me want to cry in joy.

"Hate to admit this, but she's right. My eyelids are starting to feel heavy now, I don't think I can keep up for half an hour." I bite my bottom lips, seeing his bloodshot eyes make me want to just stop right here right now, but we're literally in the middle of nowhere. There's no way we can just stop wherever we want.

"I think there's a gas station a few miles ahead." Ross looks up from his phone and said.

"How long will it take?" I turn around and ask.

"20 minutes I think."

"Great, think you can hold up till then?" I look at Mack, putting my hand on his shoulder in confront. He nods in response.

25 minutes later, a gas sign is finally in our sight. We all sigh in relief, feeling the stressed tired eyes slowly drifting off.
Mack parks at the corner and immediately closes his eyes, already in his lala land. I chuckle as I pull back my seat a bit and was ready to head off to rest until I saw something peeking out of Mack's back pocket. A folded paper.

I turn around to see everyone's already sound asleep before carefully taking out the paper. I gasp when I unfold it, and I saw my rough handwriting. My writing.
From my diary. The missing piece I was looking for.

Dear diary,

Day 12 of finding the bitch that send my love to never-awaking dream.  After a month of searching, I finally found a piece of clue. At least I think so. The police finally found a great shot from the security cam from the street corner.
The diver's a male. Pretty small step, but at least we know the gender we should focus on now.

I'll find this asshole, no matter what, at any cost.


I miss you, Ross. Every single day. But it's okay, cause I know you're just having a delay from getting me a goddamn ice cream.

Please make it quick, I don't even want it anymore. I'll stop eating ice cream for the rest of my life if that means you'll turn back and laugh at me.

All I want is you, so please, just come back.




In case you missed my update, this story will end in a few chaps. Less than perhaps 6.

I started a teen fic acc, @-sincerelytiffany , which is what I'll mainly focus on after this. My first book is already up and it's been so long since I write in one go and in a flow, I had a lot of fun writing it. It'll mean a lot if can check it out and leave some thoughts.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2016 ⏰

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