4. Shock

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I woke up on my bed.Why am I here?That's impossible! I was sitting there,talking with Vanessa,and the next second,I'm here,on my bed,in my room! A piece of white paper from nowhere,lands at my lap.

I pick it up."Sent you home.Good luck,sis"


(A/N:Read it till the end,there's a surprise;) )


4. Shock :

My eyes flung open as the annoying alarm starts to beep.I sit up,feeling a little bit dizzy.I've been feeling dizzy since the day I woke up with a new life.I push my temple with my finger a little,hoping it'll stop the pain.

Just then,I feel something on my lap.

Another white note."I'm going to help you through,V:)"

How did she do this?Like making papers flying on my lap all the time?

Whatever,I'm having enough questions,it doesn't even matter.

"First step,you're gonna need partners" I got up,walking to the bathroom.I decide to take a shower to relax.I thrown my head back,feeling the hot water touching my skin.I always like to think while showering,so I decide today's topic is going to be about "How to get a life back". Sounds good to me(not).

I let the conversation replays again in my head.But why do I have to be Ally Dawson and start a new life when I already have a life?Why do I have to change soul?It's not that I'm dead!

Wrapping the towel around my body,I slowly walk out and rethink everything,and the result i figure out,isn't good.

"Ally,breakfast's ready!" My so called 'mom' calls.I took a deep breath before walking down the stairs.They want me to be Ally? I'll be Ally!

Walking down to the final step,I grin.

"Morning Mom!" I give her a kiss on the cheek.Sitting down on the counter,I give a kiss to 'dad' also.Which probably scared him,cause he choked while taking a sip of the coffee.

"Someone's bubbly today"She smiles and put down a plate of boiled eggs and bacon."What are you talking about?I'm always bubbly"I use the fork and pick up a bacon and send it into my mouth.They exchange look,I know they must be confused."Don't worry about yesterday,it was nothing" I smile as I put down my fork.

After finishing my breakfast,I threw my backpack over and head to 'school' because mom told me I have to go.Walking down the block,I'm not afraid of being in a new school with new classmates,instead,I'm afraid of seeing 'Austin',as in my boyfriend.

What if he wants to break up with me after the last conversation we have?

He may not be Ross,but it's hard to convince myself he's not the same.

I'm too in love with him to let him go,EVEN with a different soul.

Stepping into school,people didn't even bothered looking at me,which is a good thing in some way.

Blonde is by his locker,searching his stuff.I nervously walk up to him.I poked his shoulder and smile."Hi"

He looks at me confused,but with a smile on his face."Hi?" He says,raising up the "I".

I lay on the lockers,holding my books that's on my chest tighter.

"Don't worry about anything yesterday,I.."

"It's okay.You don't have to explain anything" He cuts me off and took my hand into his.He plant a kiss on my forehead and we walk to our class.


It's the last bell,after saying goodbye to Austin,I walk back to home by my own.It was kinda odd,but the edge of my lips is actually up in a stressful status I'm in.Pushing the door open,my parents are on the couch,playing with their fingers nervously.Even though I didn't live with them for 18 years,I know that look.There's something going on.

Once I entered,they stood up immediately.She walks up to me,helding my hands tight.

"Ally,there's something we want to talk to you."She looks at my dad.

He simply nods as in a "continue"

"We're sending you to the mental hospital"


Sorry this is short,but i want to update so..

Anyway,guess what?! I'm having another contest!

I'm going to let one of you to be in the story!

And not just some normal character,it's going to be someone important and happen to see in almost every chapter!

What do you say? Are you in?

All you have to do is hastag #gottaloveraurafanfic on insta and write why you love this story or why do you read it in the caption.

(OR you can also just comment here)

After you're done,make sure to comment "Done" and your username in the comment.


(Also,comment your name and describe you're look)

ily all


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