12 .Road Trip(Part I)*Re-posted*

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(Re-posted.There's a few changes)
No,your eyes don't have a problem. I changed Jason's name to Hayes and also his eyes color to fit Logan Lerman,the one I casted,because Logan is da bae.

12 .Road Trip(Part 1):

"What did you say?" I narrow my brows.My eyes starting to feel sore cause of the sleepless nights I've been having.

"I know it sounds crazy and all,but it felt so real.The face was not me,but I feel like I was there.Like I was the one who's holding you"He rubs his hands anxiously.

He stops to look at my reaction. My face probably doesn't seem normal cause he basically starts to ramble. "I mean yeah,I don't know.Maybe it was me,maybe it wasn't.I don't know.What do you think of the weather? Personally I think it's a bit to-"

"Ross!" I cut him off from his nonsenses.

"Shut up" I place both of my hands on his shoulder. I feel his body relax under my touch.

He took a few deep breaths before speaking up again,"Do you think there's a chance I'm the Ross? Well i have the name and memories and all that so it might be me right?"

"I don't know.It might be Austin.Or neither. All I know is that he's somewhere. Maybe on the edge of the earth,maybe even away from the earth.Either way,I'll find him eventually"I sigh and took a seat on the diaoqi bench.

He was quiet for a while,his face told me he's having talks in his head.

"Can I ask you something?" He softly said as he scoots close to me,his sweet scent lunging towards me.

"Sure"I shrug before focusing on him.

"How can you love someone so unconditionally?"He asks,his lips trembling.

The expression on our faces made the atmosphere more serious.

"When a history was made,it's hard to forget"I sadly smiled and let my arms fall to my sides.

After the talk with Ross,I was back in my room studying my diary,trying to find a clue.

"Ayen is looking for you" An unfamiliar voice called,causing me to jump. I place my hand on my heart,breathing heavily. I turn around to see it's Hayes after calming down.

"Oh..okay" I put away my diary into the drawer and lock it to make sure it's safe.

I walk past him and was ready to head down the hall till I feel a warm hand around my wrist.

"Can I talk to you?" I was not only surprised he actually want to talk,but also curious by what he wants to talk about.

"Um..sure" I walk back to my room,sitting on the edge of the bed.I pat the empty spot next to me,guiding him to come over.He plumps himself down before he speaks up.

"I just want you to know,I'm not shy at all.I'm actually a more outgoing person"He 'blurts' out suddenly,even though I think he had think twice before he spoke.

"Okay..?"I shifted,having no clue where's this going.

He chuckles at my confusion, "Sorry,I thought I should let you know.I was hoping you can open up my shell,because you seem like a down to earth person"

By the complement,I blushed. "Thank you.Of course I will. But why did you lock yourself in the first place?"

His smile drops,"I guess the wired looks I get made me lost my confidence. I lost myself,until Elsa found me in the park a week before you came." He looks down at his shoes,playing with his fingers.

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