3. Sister-sister

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After going on the opposite direction,I finally can breath.I lean on the pole,catching my breath.

"921...?" I read the number that's in front me,then my paper.

This is it! I found it! I high myself and walk over.I knock on the door,waiting for respond.

The door opened,and the person that stands right in front me makes me no shock to comment.




3. Sister-sister:

"Wha-" she drags me in before I get to finish my sentence.She close the door that's behind me after getting in

immediately.I look around the room.It's pretty dark here,but fully meet the diviner of the style.A table that has a crystal ball,star stickers that glows in the dark room that made it looks more mysterious than it already is."Where's the light switch?!" I ask.It's too dark,she'll be myopia.Jeez,I sound like my mother.

"What are you doing here?!" She widens her eyes and asked in a surprised tone of voice.What's that supposed to mean?And she basically ignore my question.

"I had a wired dream so I googled where I can find fortune teller,and then yours came up so,here I am"I explained while walking around,still trying to find the light switch.

"What dream?!"She marched up to me and turn me around to face her,which scared me a bit.I can tell that she's nervous.But nervous about what?

She set me down as I tell her my dream.After I finished,she rubs her temple.Is it THAT bad?"What does it mean?" I move closer to her.Waiting for her to respond.

"No,no,no this is impossible" She starts to pacing back and forward,biting her nail.

"Is anything wrong?Just tell me already" I shout,impatiently.I always hate it when people playing me along."Laura,there's things that can't explain or even say.I'm sorry I can't help you"She pushes me all the way to the door.She was about to shut me out ,but I turn back and unlock it.I push myself against the door so she won't be able to reach the knob."JUST TELL ME ALREADY!" I shout.This is more frustrating than I thought it will be.She looks at the door nervously,from her face expression,I know she's considering.

Then she sighs."Sit down,this might take a while"I sat down on the closest chair which is actually the one I sat before.I stare at the creepy crystal ball as she walk to the kitchen and comes back with a cup of hot chocolate.She gave me the mug with a "L" as in "Laura" to me.I smile as I saw hers is with the "V".I remembered the first time we saw them at the store and fell in love with them.We wouldn't use any other mugs,but these.It's a thing to us.Sitting across,isn't that happy like I am."Look,Laura.Don't interrupt me after I finish okay?" She warns.I simply nod and took a sip of the brewed hot chocolate.

"Some things are not what it looks like.People die and will continue their life with a new soul.You won't be the same.You're NOT supposed to be the same."She stops.I guess she's finish."So..what's that supposed to mean?" I frown.I understand every word she's saying,but I'm confused how is this have to do with me?

"It means you,still remembering who you are is a mistake."She confesses.

"You're supposed to be Ally Dawson and start with a new life." She continues. "But what about you?" I'm not supposed to remember anything,but how come she still knows she's Vanessa?"I thought I was the only one.After years of searching,I finally realize the nature's rule." She walks around the room,not facing me."But what if I don't want to be Ally Dawson?" I ask,playing with my fingers.

"Then you're breaking the rule,and your consequence won't be that pretty." She faces me,frowning.

"You might be dead.And won't be able to get back to life again."She finishes.

I shiver,since when the nature become a creature?

"But if you persist,there IS a way" She walks to her bookshelf,pulling out an old,heavy book.

"I can't tell you everything,but I know

professor Dean will be able to answer your question"She quickly flips through the pages.She turn the book around so it faces me.Her finger stops at a picture of an old man,with a thick while beard."Where is he?" I move the book closer,reading the caption under the picture."Professor Dean.A scientist that studies nature,possibilities of the future."

"I have no idea" She shrugs as she closes the book.

I widens my eyes."Then how in the hell am I supposed to find him?"

"Follow your heart" She answers while putting the book back to its place.

"Oh,yeah.And I'll find my prince and we'll live happily ever after in the beautiful castle" I said,sarcastically.

"I know it sounds really cliché,but it is how it works.If you're able to remember then that means you're

special." She ligtly touches her crystal ball,as if she's seeing things in that scary ball.

"How will I know what my heart's saying?"I said while trying to stop looking at her fingers running over thr ball.

"There's always a way"


I woke up on my bed.Why am I here?That's impossible! I was sitting there,talking with Vanessa,and the next second,I'm here,on my bed,in my room! A piece of white paper from nowhere,lands at my lap.

I pick it up."Sent you home.Good luck,sis"

Gusees that means i'll have to find the answer by my own


Sorry if this is pretty boring:( It'll get better i promise.

So I'm thinking of doing some writing tips for you guys,since i've learn a lot lately

Sep 22,2013 is the day when i started wattpad,so omg,almost a year wow.

I learned a lot so i thought i'll share it with you guys:)

Comment your questions below and i'll answer them in my next chapter<3

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