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Hi to whoever still read this shit:/
But anyway,I'm here to announce that JAD will be on hold,for Idek how long.
If you still read this after my long time of disappearance,ilysm<3
I don't think anyone cares,but I thought it'd be nice if I inform first.
I've lost interest in writing this,so idk what I'll do with this.
I might either put it on hold until next summer when i graduate and will be super free so I can come up with ideas OR complete it after a few more chapters.
You choose,cause I have no idea.
If you want to catch up with me( which TYSM),I'll still be at Cupcake & Coffee and Audio Duo.
Tysm for the support on DFOM series:)
It always make me super duper happy when you guys tell me how much you love them<3
Till then,


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