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Lucian Raymonds knew his career was over when his agent came with the company's termination letter. At 23,he has had it all, glory,fame... failure. He was an illegitimate child- his father was rich and powerful and cheated with his equally rich and powerful wife with his secretary, secretary gave birth to a son trying to climb social ladder but she was thrown away and died in grief.

   Lucian was 10 years old when he entered the entertainment industry as  an actor/musician, he knew not to depend on family, his father had made it clear that he should not dream of inheriting his company and Lucian didn't even want it. Lucian was rich, really rich,his father had given him a lot of properties that he did not even need to work all his life but he still did. He worked his ass off until he was certified movie king and music emperor at the age of 20 with tons of awards and 10 billion fans but will Lucius be satisfied. NO.

    It was fair that Lucius hated him, I mean if your father brings his mistress child home he deserves to be hated and Lucian was okay with that, he did not even try to prove himself or claim relationship,he knew his situation was awkward.... Shameful even, he made his existence low,did not even bear the Vuitton surname. What was not fair was that upon all this Lucius still won't let him be. He even had to fake a rape on him. He clenched his hands on the glass and researched the video of the woman who claimed he raped her. Rage poured through him and the glass broke.

"Lucian be careful" Mark,his agent said.

Lucian closed his eyes to force the tears back, he did not understand why this was happening to him ,even his fans who claimed they love him... What love, look at the cursing going on his Starnet page . No trust.

"I booked you a trip to Koi mansion" Mark said plainly.

"What,you also want to send me away" Lucian asked in disbelief.

"Although your contract have been terminated and I am no longer your agent, I am still your friend and we have been together for 12 years, I won't abandon you, right now we need proof and you are not calm so yes, I am towing your ass to Koi mansion,just be there for 2 months"Mark said coldly.

  Mark was always cold,it may be due to the fact that he was raped by his aunt when he was 12 and nobody believed in him cause apparently boys can't be raped . With his cold attitude did he bring him up ,step by step, an 18 years old agent with a 10 year old trying to make a name for themselves .

    Lucian did not refuse,he was strangely quiet when Mark packed his bags and drove him from City A to city R seven hours away to a mansion with an ancient looking gate. When they drove into the compound, Lucian stared out of the window blankly, different plants adored the compound,mango,apple, watermelon, wheat, Lucian even heard a moo.

Lucian "…"

"Are you sure you are bringing me here ?" He asked coming out of the car.

"Yes,good bye" Mark said and drove away full speed

Lucian "…" Why does he feel like Mark drove him to a prison.

At that thought Lucian immediately checked his phone and sure enough there was no service. Lucian swore , cursing Mark's ancestors and dragged his luggage to the mansion.

Pushing the large metal door open he felt a burning gaze on him and tilted his head towards the direction . On too of the staircase was a lady in long flowing red dress. She was beautiful if not perfect. Her waist length curly brown hair was in ponytail with two strands adoring her face. Her small round face tainted with a faint shade of pink,full pouty lips, delicate nose and big golden eyes framed with long butterfly lashes that were glaring coldly at him like he committed murder.

Lucian "…"

"Is she an hater" he wondered.
For the first time in over twenty years Rayna felt something that was not hunger. She felt like a beast was in her chest, struggling to come out, slamming against her rib cage,begging her to tear the face of the strange male in her house.

Is this anger, she thought.

  Lucian watched the lady stomped down the stairs calling him all sort of names barefooted .When she got to his front she glared fiercely at him.

She looked really young probably 18 and frankly speaking Lucian don't know why she looked murderous.

"Did that stupid Mark bring me to a house own by black fans..."

"You,you, imbecile how could you? " she yelled.

"Could I what? "

" Buy all ten rooms in my Koi mansion,the reason why I opened 10 rooms every two months is to relieve boredom, I don't need money, family coming here makes it full of life and you faked different IDs to buy all 10 rooms,you are a fucking son of a uhmm..."

"First of all kids shouldn't swear" Lucian said blocking her mouth. " Secondly I knew nothing about that,I was dumped here by my agent and I can't go back because there are many people trying to murder me now"

" You are a kid,your whole family are filled with kids and what?, agent?, Seriously, expect me to believe that you are a what? Model? Actor? Singer? What has that got to do with me hmm? I know even if you are in the industry you will have lot of black fans, stupid scum ,what should I do portal have already been closed for booking and I can't open it back it will ruin my reputation for being fair, damnit"

Lucian frowned then chuckled he seemed to have met a person who doesn't know him which is surprising because he was well known. The just came of age '26' year old girl wanted to kill him cause.....

"I'm sorry, you are right,I do have a lot of black fans and just got kicked out of the company I spent twelve years in, senior sister,my mentality is not good now and the doctor said I'm likely to commit suicide that is why my agent did this, please let me in" he pleaded with his eyes red like he might cry any seconds.

  Lucian was good looking,not in a masculine way but in an effeminate way,he looked like his mother and his mother was gorgeous. On a normal day he was very arrogant but now he was submissive,so sad,tears in eye looking like a flower demon that was bullied.

     Rayna felt the beast within her calm down. He looked like the pet fox she had when she was 5 before the accident that made her lose her emotions. One had silver fur the other had silver hair,both with blue watering eyes, it was almost like an instinct,the need to pay his head.

Lucian looked at the girl that had softened. Why was she looking at him like he was her long lost child.

Lucian =_=

"Senior sister" he called out

"Who is your senior sister" she replied sharply.

"You are 26 and I am just 23 so I will call you senior sister" he replied cheekily.

The girl rolled her eyes and turned away,her face blank like she did not want to murder him before.

"What is your name? "

" Lucian, Lucian Raymonds"

"Rayna, Rayna Sinclair"

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