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Lucian woke up with a massive headache. He barely made it to the kitchen to receive Rayna's deadly ‘death soup’ in one piece. Unfortunately he was one of the oddity that remembers all the foolish thing they did when drunk...

He did not dare to bring the topic up. Luckily he didn't need to as the clothes they bought arrived in the morning.

Rayna looked more excited than him as she stared at the bags with bright eyes looking like she was one step away from pouring his breakfast down his throat.

He felt terrified... He was right to be. She spent the whole morning taking pictures of him that he was almost certain she was a professional  photography not an hacker she claimed to be.

No, don't forget how she helped you?

Rayna might as well be an OCD. So damn picky, he had to pose exactly the way she said, stare exactly the way she said or she releases one of those death glares that low key terrified him.

He was sure his pictures were taken at every part of the castle... Hr even had one with a big white wolf he didn't know where it came for.

He almost died at that part. They took pictures throughout the whole day. He didn't even get to see her change. By night time, she tossed him a pack of cereals and locked herself in her computer room

Lucian felt heartbroken. Rayna, you never treated me like this before.

He slept in despair and woke up the next morning to a pretty face staring at him.

“Morning? ” he just woke up. His voice was deeper and filled with confusion.

“Morning! ” Rayna replied dragging him up. “Get up, come shoot a video for me... ”

Sleep vanished from Lucian's eyes as he struggled. “Nononon... I need sleep. ” he wasn't even an artist anymore, why should he suffer himself?

Unfortunately he did not have a choice. He didn't even want to remember the princess carry of shame... It made him questioned his gender. He suspects... Rayna is a person that escaped super human research facility... Her strength was a little too... Aish.

At least she made him breakfast, he comforted his weeping heart.

“You've cleared your name now. ” Rayna said fixing her camera. “Are you going to release an album. ”

“No... ” he growled angrily shoving his food in his mouth. “for people who can't even trust me, what is the point of working hard... I quit. ”

“Why?? ”

“The thought of faking through paparazzi, going on tour, concerts, fan signs... They annoy me, I like being in here, not going anywhere, I have what I need here. ”

“Who said you need to go out to have a concert? ”

Lucian's brow flew up.
Holding Rayna's clearly expensive camera, Lucian felt his hands tremble .

His whole body felt hot and dizzy. Even his nails felt sensitive .

“Won't you come out yet? ”

Rayna came out of the dressing room. They were in their make shift studio which Lucian was glad they finished after seeing the surreal view it gave.

Rayna hated the clothes. She hates clothes in general and preferred wearing something that won't cling to her skin to give her the illusion of being... Bare.

He wore mine, this is the least I can do, she thought and she came out confidently.

“Satisfied? ” she asked tilting her head slightly.

Lucian was more than satisfied. She was putting on a black skin tight mini skirt with a blazer that was unbuttoned exposing her lace bra and toned stomach. The sheer stockings and that dangerously high heels made Lucian forget how to use his arms.

All the blood in his body seemed to go to his head... The both heads.

The room suddenly felt hot and he unbuttoned his collar.

“The inner shirt didn't button up well. ” she said coming close. “I'm a C cup, not B. Don't look at my length, I have a big cup. ”

I can see it, Lucian almost cried out.

“Are you not taking pictures? ”

“My hands feel shaky ”

Rayna looked at him indifferently and sat on a table making her skirt ride up slowly.

She licked her lips and he dropped the camera.

She frowned at the noise.

“my hands slipped. ” he explained foolishly picking the camera up.

Fool, you brought this upon yourself.

Rayna was a natural, her every move seem to be filled with power. It was hard to focus.

After much time, they finally finished their photoshoot to Lucian joy and sorrow. What A painful pleasure.

Rayna walked to him slowly. She was in a leather jacket and pants looking like a riders dream.

When he kept the camera, her hands were pulling him to her. No need for stupid talk. They both wanted it, the sexual tension was affecting them both.

Lucian regretted telling her he was saving his virginity till his wedding night. Rayna always stopped halfway no matter how much he pleaded.

She did not put his pleasure before hers this time. She seemed to be in heat as she grinded against him. Her wetness slipping through his pants. Her tongue gave him no chance to breathe properly, her claws mercilessly teasing his nipples. Her hips riding on his clothed laps fast. The overflowing pleasure almost drove him mad.

No matter how he cried or pleaded, Rayna seemed adamant on not letting him cum.

He thought he saw stars when she forced him on his knees and buried his face in her golden pot. She knew what she want, and exactly how she wanted it. He was a novice that tried really hard to obey her instructions. Watching her face contort in pleasure as she came was like heaven to him. He felt even more satisfied than when he came.

The proud look she gave him when she opened her eyes made his stomach tingled.

At that moment... He was very sure he loved her 

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