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I'm so sorry. Something came up at home and it have just been hectic. For thepeoole that took time to read this book only to wait in frustration (I hate it when author of a book I'm reading leaves it half way too... Lol) . sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Now back to the story.

3 months later.
"Eggs, check. Potatoes. Check. Tomatoes.... Tomatoes... Ahhh, Lucian stop that. "

Rayna shivered and turned her neck away from Lucian's tempting mouth.

She looked like him like he was a demon. "We are in the damn supermarket!! "

"Nobody is watching. " he said with an adorable pout.

Come on Rayna, you can do this. You will not be tempted. His face is totally not making me horny right now. Tie Lucian to a... Oh my god, Rayna stop being a hoe.

Lucian snapped his fingers in front of her face when he noticed that she was not listening to him. "Hello... Babe, look at me. "

Rayna glared at him. "Go bring a pack of chips for me. "

Lucian's face paled. "It's at the end of the store. " he grumbled. Rayna's gaze made him shut the fuck up and go get the chips unwillingly.

Rayna smirked and pushed the cart aimlessly around the store.

"Hi. " a cheerful voice broke her from her thoughts.

Rayna paused and stared at the handsome man that stopped in front of her. The man was tall... Taller than Lucian, with icy blue eyes and brown hair. He was in a fancy suit and look like an alien in the supermarket.

"Something? " she replied blankly. Lucian is definitely getting to me. If it was before, she won't answer.

"Uhmmm, this is kind of strange... But I'm not really familiar with the supermarket and I really, really need help with my list. " the contrast between his cold visuals and awkward tone would totally melt any girl, that is not Rayna.

"Can you help me with it? " He put on a brilliant smile that was sure to drop any girl panties.

Rayna gave him a weird look and his smile froze.

"Please can you help me with my shopping. "

Rayna looked at the list, there were only three items and it wasn't far from where she was so she reluctantly help him.

Lucius followed her awkwardly. He couldn't resist staring at her, his ears heating up. He have seen many women and Rayna could be considered pretty in the list of beautiful women but her temperament was seductive. She was as cold as snow, not the snow storm but the first drop of snow during winter that fascinated people. He could see why that cheap Lucian was willing to be dominated by her.

But he was not Lucian, he would enjoy breaking all her claws.

The minute Rayna finished with him, she threw his basket to him like he had some disease. Lucius' eyes twitched but he put on a bright smile.

"Thank you. " he gushed. "Don't know what to do without you. I own you one. By the way, I'm Lucius, Lucius Vuitton. "

Rayna raised her eyebrow but contrary to what he thought, she didn't start tripping over him. Okay? Weird.

"I know you have done your little homework before coming here. " her tone was like she was asking what he ate for breakfast. She didn't look at him and continued pushing her cart.

"Since so, you can clear up your debt by staying far away from Lucian and I if you don't want to be ruin. "

"By the way, you acting coquettish was really ugly as fuck. "

Ugly? Me? Ten times most wanted bachelor in the continent? Is she blind?

"You must have a problem with your eyes. " he muttered, then asked sarcastically "You think you can ruin me? "

"I know I can. " she said calmly. "By the way, it's not like I have a problem with my eyes. Its just that you have a problem with your brain and all your fans see are your money...

"I don't really know how you could think that being built like a raging bull on tiny legs is attractive. Or fixing your face like the world owe you money or your disgusting arrogant behavior  "

"Coal calling kettle black. " Lucius scoffed. "How can you complain about my face with that blank face of yours. Face paralysis, Emotion paralysis. Poor Lucian. "

"I didn't know CEO Lucius is that free to argue with a girl in the super market like a teenage girl. " Rayna retorted with gritted teeth. Just wait till I get home, I will make sure to paint your stupid company in black light. Fucker.

"Lucian have always been daring since he was young. He is probably just with you for experience. " Lucius enjoyed watching Rayna's face turned all shades of dark with relish. He smirked and added. "Anyway even if you watch his interviews, his type have always been soft girls or cute girls... Not 'you' type of girls. "

Rayna clenched the handle of her cart and her footsteps faltered, till it finally stopped . This cunt is really good at poking sore points. She always knew she was not Lucian's type. If not for fate, he would probably be with a cute girl that blushes at every turn and screamed daddy at night.

"I don't argue with insecure little brats who only finds comfort bullying someone seven years his junior and cry himself to sleep every night...

"You are really pitiful though, at least even if Lucian is doing this for fun, he is still happy during the process. Happiness is the one thing you can never ever have. "

Lucius have always been raised as a gentleman but right now he has a big urge to punch a female. "Yo... You. "

"Are you stalking me now Lucius? " a low voice drawled out.

The duo turned to see Lucian with a large bag of chips. Rayna heart pounded rapidly. Did he hear what I said?

She took a deep breathe and said cooly. "Took you long enough, I was wondering you got kidnapped. "

Lucian  gave her a look. She knew they would have a talk later.

"You have always been on my heels since when I was a kid. " he told Lucius, walking towards them. "I know you hate me, I would definitely hate me too if I were you but Lucian what do you want me to do?...

"I left home and became an actor so you won't think I want to drag the company with you. I didn't even bear the Vuitton surname. I never ever tried to act like I was related to your family. Do you want me to die before you let me go? "

Rayna frowned at that. Why is he talking about death? What does death have to do with this?

Lucius felt uncomfortable in his heart. Though he was always looking for way to ruin Lucian, death was never part of his plan. But he held on his ground, even when Lucian stepped in front of him.
"Your existence ruined me life and my family. Do you think your death can heal that? "

"Lucas has another family in Continent Q, a woman with 3 children. Another one is in country D and the last child is 26.your perfect family was already ruin before me. "

"What... What? "

"Check it if you feel I'm lying, you have the capabilities. "

Lucius felt like his whole life was collapsing and he stumbled. He was like a naive kid protecting his only egg from breaking only to learn it was already spoilt way before. He closed his eyes and when he opened it, his expression was cold.

"Thank you. " he said and went away. Only the slight slouch of his back showed his melachony.

"Rayna... I"

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