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"Congratulations Lucian. "

"Thank you. "

The venue was bright, elaborated and flamboyant. Everything Lucian was known for. Only one reporter was allowed in and she looks utterly shocked by the 'red wedding'. Every body else used pastel or just pure white for weddings... This was the first time she was seeing a red themed one that look like they cost an island.

Lucian could be blame for that. Rayna sincerely won't mind if they got married wearing banana leaves biy he just had to get everything shiny he saw...and man were they expensive as hell.

Rayna footed the whole bills, according to her... "My money is meant to spoil you while yours is meant for the kids. " which he thought was really sweet. It was only after she had paid did his brain started working. What if they don't have kids? What if Rayna hates kids? What if Rayna is allergic to kids? What if they don't stay long together to have kids?

He got sleepless night for a long time because of that but then proceed to eat his problem away and deal with them when they come knocking. Anyways, he can sneak gifts to her to make up.

Lucian was in a blood red suit with his longer hair packed in a half bun. He looked like a succubus that came to seduce all living things.

Few of his fans (the solid one who didn't abandoned him when his case was everywhere which were like thirty) that were invited felt like they would faint on seeing him. One actually had to be revived.

Rayna was in a similar attire, but unlike his red inner shirt, hers was a crop top shirt that went with the outfit. Their outfit was designed by X-hanel, the biggest brand in the world.

Fans who were expecting a dress but saw Rayna in a pant suit : "…"

"Hello! "

Lucian wore a bright smile as he stared at the man in front of him. Frankly speaking, there were a lot of people he didn't know and had to fake through the conversation .

Mark had left their former company and started a record label with him, MLR, so the party was more of a connection avenue than a real marriage which Lucian didn't mind unless there will be only 35 guests instead of 1500,his dream number.

"Oh Hi! "He said politely. Who is he? Model? Actor? Dancer?

"I was so surprised when I heard Rayna was getting married, she never used to like anybody, people even labelled her robot because no one could get into her heart... "

Rayna's family? Lucian was excited, Rayna never talked much about her family but he felt they were not close. Call him old fashioned but he believed that on a very important occasion of someone's life... Your family should be there to celebrate with you. Which was why he invited Mark... Because he had no family.

"I've known her since we were young and she had... "

Wait... Not a family member?

"Sorry there have been so many people and my memory is jumbled. Who are you? "

"Oh I'm Philip. "

Lucian blinked rapidly. Isn't Philip the ex? His eyes turned cold at that.

"I've known Rayna for so long. She always pushes people away, imaginey surprise when I heard she is getting married. " he laughed at that. "Rayna is unable to love someone, how can she get married, that was what I thought so I came to take a look. "

Lucian was speechless. Is he trying to cause problems between Rayna and I and cause me to doubt her feelings for me.

It was slightly working because Rayna had not told him the magical 3 words yet but Lucian won't give the bum satisfaction.

"It must be my face. "

"Your face? "

"Of course, with this type of face, all living things just can't help but fall in love with it. Rayna was no exception."

Lucian loved how Phillip's face looked like he swallowed a fly and continued 'bashfully' making sure to engrave it in his(Phillip's)  brain.

"Rayna never let me sleep without a two thousand words speech about how much she loves me. You know everynight after we... "

"Wait everynight? You guys have sex?"

Well they have practically tried everything apart from actual penetration. "Of course, everynight. "

Stop feeling guilty, you are not exactly lying.

"And day, anywhere, anytime. "He continued on seeing Phillp's unhappy face. "Gosh she is so greedy, I just can't help it. It's not my fault I'm so desirable and she can't get her hands off me. Sometime I even have to hide in the studio to get a break. "

Phillip found an excuse to runaway making Lucian's lips curve. His mood was slightly better but Phillp's words got to him though. He loved Rayna no doubt. Without her he might be dead at this moment. He wasn't as strong as he made himself to be which was why he clung on to anybody that show him faint kindness. Mark and Rayna were two indisposable people in his life but for Rayna he would happily throw Mark out. Call him stupid but he can't fight against the hold she has on him.

Does she love me? His eyes found Rayna across the room who was talking to some of her loyal residents who always came to Koi mansion when they can.

Rayna seem to notice his gaze and turn back to stare at him giving him the faintest of all smiles.


His heart pounded so fast that he felt like it was about to burst and his legs trembled in anticipation to what will happen this night. Forget it, as long as she is with me, it doesn't matter if she loves me or not.

Lucian fans who saw this scene felt like they overdosed on sugar. Lucian was an eccentric entity. He never introduced Rayna to the public, only said that he was getting married on his page and sent invitation to all thirty of them because they stood by him during his tribulation, to the envy of hundreds of million of people.

Though, they had read many fanfic where Lucian was a buttom because of his arrogant and flambouyant attitude and the pictures he released 2 years ago emitted buttom energy. They never really believe he was submissive.

The bride was like an ice cold cellar that perfectly the aura of a domineering president while he looked like a bashful brid e that kept stealing glances at her husband.

"It is finished, my son will get eaten by a tigeress this night! "

"I feel like I'm having a nosebleed "

"The contrast is just so cute. "

"Maybe... "One fan said who was trying to repair what was left of Lucian's torn facade. "Maybe he is the type that is submissive in nature but domineering on bed. "

The rest looked at her like she said that water was blue making her blush.

"Girl stop dreaming. "

"He practically looks like he want to go on his knees right now. "

"She looks so put together and he looks like he want her to choke him till kingdom come. "

"Babe your imagination will get you best seller, trust me. "

"I wish the duo will release a movie with lots of mature scenes. "

The grip turned to the girl that spoke.

"Whore. "

"At least try to act like you are not cheap in public. "

"Damn babe, you're kinky. "

"Not kinky... Sluttish. "

"Don't act like you all don't want to watch. "

"St least we don't scream it in public and wait silently in anticipation. "

The group was very lively.

Thawing RaynaWhere stories live. Discover now