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"Are you sure you don't know me? "

Rayna glared at Lucian. "No"

"Really, really sure? "

"Are you a new brand of lollipop? "

"No" Lucian answered shyly running his hands through his hair. "But, you are sure you don't know me right? "

Sure enough taking care of a pet is hard, Rayna thought. "Did you murder someone? "

"No... No... No" Lucian said waving his hands. "How can I murder someone? "

"Then stop asking foolish questions " Rayna reprimanded rubbing her forehead. She was a little happy she was feeling something  even though all she felt was anger presently.

"Take this " Rayna said handing him a basket. "It is almost dinner time"

Lucian followed Rayna looking everywhere in awe. He felt like he transmigrated back to medieval age with a touch of technology. He couldn't even see an air conditioner.

They passed through numerous passage before they came to an open space-- the sudden bright light almost blinding Lucian eyes.


"What was that? " Lucian asked shifting closer to Rayna.

Rayna looked at him speeclessly. "A fish. " she responded drily.

Lucian eyes widen. "Fish mooo... I thought only sheeps does that. "

Rayna was speechless. Since when did sheep moo. She looked at Lucian a little worried about his IQ.

"What did you say you were again? "

"Actor, singer, model, hottest male in country R " he replied excitedly but then his mood dropped.

No wonder he is so dumb, Rayna thought.

Lucian stood still amazed. All he could see was green, green and more green. He have never seen this amount of green real life.


"Rayna should we be worried about your fishes? " he asked practically stuck to her.

"No" Rayna replied rolling her eyes. "It is just saying hi to us. "

"Ahhhh. "

"Only vegetables and fruit are planted in bulk" Rayna explained as they walked. "We supply them to Divine food company, rice and wheat are produced in small quantity for the farmers and I. "

"This place would have cost a lot... "

"I won a lottery "

Lucian was surprised. "And out all you could invest in, it just had to be a farm. "

Rayna frowned lightly. "I have strange fashion taste" she said plainly. "Investing in fashion loss would be too great, almost everybody now seem to invest in fashion, makeup, real estate... There are lot of competitions in those area. Farming won't give me much competition and I love food"

"You are smart." Lucian said. Maybe he should become a farmer also.

Rayna took him through another room. "This place is where we plant for consumption. "

Lucian looked around the place curiously. This was the first time he had been somewhere like this. He grew up in the city... Loud, loud, loud where all he was used to. It was weird staying somewhere so quiet...


He shifted closer to Rayna for safety reasons and when the latter looked at him with probing eyes, he smiled fakely.

Who knew if her fish suddenly went mad.

“Do you stay here alone all the time?  it must be boring”

“Not boring. ” Rayna replied. To be honest if not for her quest for ‘Emotions’ she preferred staying by all self all days, peace and quiet.

Lucian suddenly tripped and Rayna caught him-- luckily the basket didn't fall down.

Lucian got lost in her golden eyes... He didn't mean for it to happen biy when he tripped and she caught him all he could see was her big round eyes.

She has really pretty eyes, he thought. His bones suddenly felt soft.

“Are you dumb? ” Rayna reprimanded dragging him up. “Don't you look at where you place your feet, so dumb!! are your eyes on top of your head? What is the function of eyes if it is not used properly  ”

The person she was shouting out did not respond making Rayna stopped her little rant. She paused and saw  Lucian standing in daze making her a little speechless.

Is it possible his... Brain shook from its usual position when he tripped.

“Are you okay? ” she asked carefully.

Lucian blinked rapidly and ran with the basket like his belt suddenly stopped working.

Okaaaaay? Do we need a doctor here?

Lucian stopped when he was some distance away and shook his head to clear his thoughts.

“It is just her eye color. ” he chanted softly trying to calm himself. “it is a rare eye color that is why I was fascinated for a moment. ” it is totally not because she felt domineering at that moment.

He shook his head. The quiet area seem to be affecting him.

Thawing RaynaWhere stories live. Discover now