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The internet was in a mess. Lucian Raymond's starnet account that had been on hiatus since his scandal was suddenly updated. And what was posted on it?

A lawyer letter... To sue Tylasha Tom, some press companies, some bloggers, many netizens. When anti fans were planning how to curse Lucian to death. He suddenly posted a video with a caption.

“What trustworthy fans I have”

His fans after watching the video flooded his comment section with apologies. What fucking virgin that was raped? They watched how Tylasha opened the room and pushed Lucian out of the bed. Then she fucked a janitor showing various positions that made a pornstar blushed and pulled Lucian back on bed. Pouring red stuffs, probably her blood from her bag.

Netizens. "... " they felt short of words. What a splendid way to ruin a person.

While the internet was boiling, the person that caused the heat was...

"Ah... Ouch"

"Get your hands off my meal child. " Rayna scowled hitting Lucian hands with a spatula.

She was making fried everything -- yams, plantain and eggs. Definitely not healthy but who cares? ... Certainly not Lucian that kept stealing from the yams and plantains.

"Rayna these are so good. " He moaned with his mouth full. "I've been working out twice as hard bit it is worth it. "

"I only pig out on the first to seventh of every month. " Rayna said.

"I could die happy here, sister are you looking for a permanent resident. "

Since he came back, they have managed to avoid the subject of whatever happened between them.

"Never. " Rayna replied mercilessly.

Lucian felt heart broken and he took it out on the food.

"Lucian Raymond, I will murder you!!! "

Two hours later, Rayna was still feeling murderous because of a particular overgrown imp.

Lucian the overgrown imp ".. "

"Sister let's go shopping " he whined.

"You are still on hot search it has not been long since... "

"Screw the court. " Lucian interrupted her. "We can shop online. " Rayna had finally unjammed the signal.

"You could model for me. " he whispered trailing his hands on her feet.

Rayna raised a slender brow. "Model what? "

"Clothes, that don't hide your shape, that are not from 1600." He complained and that complaint earned him a smack.

Few minutes later, nursing a possible scar. He was sitting with a laptop in victory, Rayna glaring at him.

Tsundere, he thought in his mind, you are clearly going to do what I want, why the long talk. He didn't feel embarrassed that he had to pout and stare at her with watery eyes before she accepted. His Man pride seem non existent with Rayna.

Lucian hummed as he shopped. There were so many things he wanted to see Rayna in. The thought of her wearing what he picked excited him.

Mini skirts, check, definitely body con dresses, yes to pants, don't even near lingeries if you want to live to see tomorrow, jewelries, more jewelries,  more more jewelries.

"Oh this" Rayna suddenly said. "Choose this. "

Lucian looked out the outfit that looked like it came out of Victorian era.

"This is for male... " he said a little afraid. She won't dare...

"I know this is for you. " Rayna replied indifferently.

Lucian felt like a cold basin of water was poured on his body. He didn't want to wear olden days clothes.

As if Rayna could read his thoughts, she run a hand through his hair. "Why? Don't want to wear? "

What could Lucian say, if he says no, Rayna would definitely not wear what he picked. He harden his heart for the sake of watching Rayna in her new clothes.

"Wear, wear... I look good in anything. " he responded narcissistically.

"Yes. " Rayna agreed gently. "You will look like a prince in this, I will pick more for you. " she vowed.

Lucian shivered, why does his future suddenly feel bleak.

Rayna hands were fast and within a second, she had picked over twenty.

"Wait, wait, let's do something else!! " Lucian said closing the laptop.

"Like what?? "

Her face was too close. Lucian couldn't think with the warm air spilling on his face. She bit her lips gently making him flush. Why does it suddenly feel hot here?

"Something exciting. " he muttered hoarsly. Kiss me, kiss me, please kiss me.

"Okay!! "

Lucian was questioning his attractiveness. Which news report said that he was so good looking even men and lesbians bend for him, he wanted to sue that company.

He still couldn't see how arranging a room was exciting. Rayna seemed excited –— changing the room to a mini studio. All he wants were kisses. Sniff.

"Hurry up, stop dawdling, place that chair their... "

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