Chapter Four

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We arrived at Bobbys and were met by an older man who was wearing a baseball cap. He had a small beard and had a serious expression on his face.

Bobby! Dean called out and walked up to the man.

Sam walked with me and Bobby looked at me.

So this is the girl you idjits were telling me about.

Bobby, this is Amelia. Amelia, meet Bobby Singer.

I shook his hand and he smiled.

You boys sure know how to cause a ruckus.

Dean rolled his eyes and Bobby smacked him on the back of the head.

Come on in guys, Bobby said as he walked inside the house.

Bobby lived in a house that was in a scrap yard. It was called Singer Salvage Yard. He led us into the kitchen and he pulled out two beers, one for himself and one for Dean.

Want one? he asked me.

No thanks.

Sam looked at me and tilted his head.

He mouthed, You okay?

I nodded and mouthed, Just tired.

Hey, Bobby?


Do you have anywhere Amelia can sleep?

I figured she would sleep in the guest room.

Sam grabbed my hand and led me up the stairs.

Its this way.

We walked into a room and it was great. The walls were an olive color and the sheets were plaid. The blanket was black and on the wall was a drone picture of the land. I smiled and Sam sat my bags on the bed.

Mine and Deans room is across the hall, so if you need anything, or need me, you know where to find me.

He started to walk out the door but I grabbed his arm.

Wait, Sam.

He turned and looked back at me.


Can you sit in here with me?

Of course.

He sat on the bed and I sat beside him.

What is it? he asked.

He sat and waited for me to say something.

What are we?

What do you mean?

Are we together or are we just a fling?

You thought we were just a fling? Do I look like the type to have flings? Im not Dean.

I looked down and he tilted my chin up to look at him. He held my hand with his other hand.

We are not just a fling. I want to be with you.

I blushed and smiled. He leaned forward slowly and met my lips softly. He kissed me passionately and kept holding my face. He then pulled away.

Looks like were going to be seeing each other more often. You wont be hunting anytime soon though. Me and Dean will have to teach you.

I nodded and he smiled.

Youre so beautiful.

I laughed.

Carry On Wayward Son // Dean WinchesterWhere stories live. Discover now