Chapter Nine

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*Ring Ring*

I pulled my phone out of my pocket and looked at the screen. It was Bobby.


“Hey, Dean. How’s Sam? How’s Amelia? You were supposed to check in with me.”

“Umm, Sam’s in the hospital, and umm.”

“What about Amelia?”

“She’s… She’s dead.”

Bobby was silent.

“What… What happened?”

“Meg. She’s a demon. She threw a knife into Amelia’s chest. God, Bobby I promised Sam I’d protect her and now he doesn’t want to be around me.”

“Please tell me you didn’t try to do something stupid. We don’t need what happened to your dad to happen to you,” Bobby pleaded.

“I tried. The demon wouldn’t help. Said it’s ‘not in her jurisdiction’. What does that mean?”

I heard Bobby sigh through the phone.

“I don’t know what you boys got into but it seems like you are both smack dab in the middle of it all. I don’t think it’s anything good either. Poor Amelia was just a plus to the demons. She didn’t deserve to go that way, she was just an innocent girl,” Bobby sighed.

I felt a tear trickle down my cheek as I drove. I continued driving and slammed on the brakes. Amelia was standing right in front of the car. She was wearing a long white gown. Her long brown hair was flowing in the wind. She looked like an angel. She was barefoot. My eyes widened at the sight of her. I just sat in my seat. She looked pure and innocent. Like none of the pain that she lived through, ever happened. She was pure and innocent in a taunting way too. I never moved from my spot. I just continued looking at her. She smiled and her smile glowed in the sunlight. 

“Dean?” Bobby’s voice sounded from my phone.

I ignored it and just kept staring at Amelia.

“Dean, are you okay?”

I put the car in park and opened my door. I then just stood there staring.

“Dean,” she said.

That one word was enough for me. I walked over to her and hesitantly reached out to cup her face in my hands. I could feel her flesh, she was alive. I felt the tears falling before I could comprehend them.

“Dean,” she said again, with relief and realization.

I smiled and kept her face in my hands. I traced all of her features with the pad on my thumb. She was real and alive. I wasn’t imagining her, she was here.

“Impossible,” I said.

She leaned into my hand and pulled my hands into hers. She looked me in the eyes.

“How is this possible?” I asked.

She just looked at me. She was taking in my features as if she would never see me again.

“What’s the last thing you remember?” I asked her.

“Umm, Brad threw a knife into my chest,” she looked at me, confused, “Did I die?”

I rubbed her cheek and nodded.

“You did,” I admitted.

She stands there, stunned.

“How am I here then?” she asked.

“Honestly? I don’t know,” I admitted.

She nodded and looked out into the distance.

Carry On Wayward Son // Dean WinchesterWhere stories live. Discover now