Chapter Ten

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I woke up the next morning and realized Dean was still cuddling me. We fell asleep in each other's arms after dinner because we were so scared that if we let go of each other, the other would disappear. I looked into the face of Dean and he was still sleeping. He looked peaceful. He was lightly snoring and his mouth was wide open. I giggled to myself and just laid there. I pecked his lips softly and he wouldn't let me remove my lips. He kissed me softly and groaned. His eyes opened slowly as he looked at me.

"That's a good way to wake up," he said with a soft smile.

I smiled and he rubbed my cheek with his thumb.

"How did I get so lucky?"

"I have low standards?" I shrugged.

He rolled his eyes and laughed. I laughed with him.

"You deserve happiness. You don't deserve any sadness Dean," I said.

He smiled softly and then there was a knock on the door.

"It's time for you to get your lazy asses up," Bobby said through the door.

Dean stood up and stretched.

"We're up!" Dean responded.

I put the blanket over my face and Dean pulled it off.

"It's time to get up, Beautiful."

I groaned and pulled Dean on top of me.

"Do we have to?"

He laughed and kissed my cheek.

"I'm afraid so."

He pulled me up and pulled me out of the room. We walked downstairs and sat at the table. Sam was nowhere in sight.

"Where's Sam?" I asked.

"He didn't tell you?"

"Tell me what?"

"He went to go check out a case."

I looked at Dean and he shrugged.

"When was this?"

"Eight o'clock this morning."

I rubbed my face and looked out the window. Something moved behind the vehicles and it caused me to jump.

"What? What is it?"

I stood up.

"I just saw something."

I walked out the door and started looking around.

"Amelia, wait!"

I saw movement again and followed it.

"Who are you?!"

I then lost them. I huffed in frustration and that is when I felt a hand go over my mouth. I screamed into it and noticed it was Jace.


He smiled.

"Miss me?"

"How did you...?"

"I know people."

I nodded slowly and he grinned.

"So, where were you all this time?" I asked.

"At first, I was looking for you and then I gave up and kept working on cases. I heard from a little birdy that you were up and walking around. I found out where Bobby lived and made my way here. I missed you by the way."

I rolled my eyes and laughed.

"Amelia!" Dean yelled from a distance.

"Over here!"

Carry On Wayward Son // Dean WinchesterWhere stories live. Discover now