*Amelia's Point of View*

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I woke up slowly. I was in a hospital bed. I opened my eyes and saw Dean through squinted eyes.

Amelia? asked Sam.

I looked at Sam and scooted away. You could hear my heartbeat rising on the monitor.

Its okay. I-Im sorry.

Its okay, Dean said as he squeezed my hand gently to calm me down and sound reassuring.

I looked at him and my heart rate slowed. He nodded and I looked over at Sam. He looked hurt.

Youre scared of me. I really messed us up.

Sam looked down at my hand in Deans. He clenched his jaw. Dean quickly released my hand and Sam looked down at the ground.

I was just trying to- Dean started.

No need to explain. Its fine. I understand.

I-Its not what you think, I just dont want to chance making you mad again, I said.

You wont. It was just a lapse in the moment.

I nodded and looked down. Dean stood up and I looked at him in confusion.

Ill get the Impala ready, Dean announced.

Sam nodded.

I found yall a case by the way, said Bobby.

I saw Dean clench his fists but as soon as he did it, he released them. He nodded. I looked at Dean and tried to stand up. He walked back over to me and slightly kept me on the bed.

Dont get up. Ill be back.

I nodded and laid back down. As soon as Dean left the room, it was completely silent.

He ran back into the room.

Come on, we have to go! They know we are wanted.

I pulled out my IVs and stood up. Sam handed me my clothes and I threw on my jeans. I quickly put my bra on and then put on Deans t-shirt. I put the hospital gown on the bed and grabbed my phone off of the night stand. Dean put his hand on my back as we ran out of the hospital. Bobby was walking in the opposite direction to go start his truck. Doctors and nurses chased after us and even security. Dean interlaced his fingers with mine and pulled me to the Impala. We jumped in and Sam got in the passenger seat.

Bobby is going to meet us at a gas station for you to get in his truck.

Sam nodded and was irritated.



Are you trying to steal Amelia away from me? Do you just not want me to be happy?

Guys- I started.

No. Im just being myself. I could never like someone like her.

 Those words hurt me. More than anyone could ever know. It was like being stabbed in the back. Dean looked over at me and saw my jaw drop. I quickly closed it and looked down at my fingers. I was twiddling my thumbs. 

What do you mean someone like her? asked Sam.

Shes too risky for us. We shouldnt have risked ourselves just for her. We were fine on our own.

Well, shes here now.

I saw Dean grip the steering wheel so tight. His knuckles turned white.

Guys Where are we meeting Bobby? I asked.

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