*Dean's Point of View*

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   I walked up to the Devil’s Trap but Meg stopped me.

“Let me get away first. If you don’t, I will make sure you lose her.”

I groaned and nodded. She ran outside and I watched her run in the direction of the headstone and a tree.

“Can you hear me?!” I yelled.

She didn’t respond or look in my direction.

Take that as a no.

I looked at Brad/James. He was trying so hard to get out.

“You don’t have to do this. I won’t tell her.”

“You don’t understand, I have to. I have to save Amelia from Meg’s evil. Amelia is innocent in this situation.”

“You love her? She’s a crybaby!”

“Don’t talk about her like that!”

Brad smirked.

“Or what?”

I started chanting in Latin.


Brad fell to his knees and his head flew back. His mouth opened and black smoke came out of his mouth. I then chanted the other part of the exorcism and sent James back to Hell. I used my switchblade to cut the Devil’s Trap and saw Meg carving something into the headstone. I growled and walked outside. She looked at me.

“It’s done.”

She smiled and walked inside. I looked at the headstone and read it. I clenched my fists but I followed her to make sure she held up her end of the deal. She looked at Brad and tilted her head back. She opened her mouth and then black smoke flew out of Amelia’s mouth and into Brad’s. I caught Amelia before she fell and held her in my arms. Meg stood up in Brad’s body and frowned.

“I’ve never been in a male body before. It’s uncomfortable.”

I kept holding Amelia and she put her head in my chest in her sleep. I played with her hair and carried her outside. I walked in the direction of the Impala.

“Hey! Where do you think you’re going?”

“To the hospital.”

“What about me?!”

“Find your own way wherever you are going.”

I laid Amelia in the passenger seat and got in the driver’s seat. I started the car and Meg stood in front of it. I put my head out the window. I put the car in reverse.

“Jokes on you! I’m backing up!”

I pulled out of the cemetery and drove to the hospital. Amelia stirred.

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