Chapter Twelve

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 We pulled up to the motel room with pie, protein bars, Gatorade, beer, smoothies, basically everything under the sun. I laughed as we ran up to the door. Dean being Dean, he headbutted the door to knock on it. I laughed even more and Sam opened the door while rubbing his eyes.

“Dean? Amelia? Where were you guys?”

I raised the bags I was holding.

“We brought gifts.”

Sam yawned and let us in.

“Sorry that we’re a little late.”

“A little late? Dean, it’s twelve in the morning. You left at eleven!”

I clenched my teeth.

“Really?” I asked.

He showed me his watch. I looked from it to Dean.

“We were gone that long?”

“What were you doing?” Sam asked.

“Shopping,” I stated plainly.

He went through the stuff we bought.

“Did you buy the store out?”

I held back a laugh.

“I told you we didn’t need this much,” I said to Dean.

“Can we eat our pie now?” Dean asked.

“Whatever,” Sam said as he made himself fall back on his bed.

I put my headphones on and played some music. Cherry Pie by Warrant was playing through my headphones. I started dancing as I fixed my pie. I even sang along. I took a bite of pie and moaned in satisfaction.

“Thank God for pie,” I said.

I headbanged with the music. Dean and Sam were both staring at me. I stopped midchew.


“Your music is so loud,” Dean laughed.

I shrugged and kept dancing and eating.

“Unplug your headphones,” Dean said.

I nodded and did as he requested. I turned the volume all the way up and restarted the song. Dean and I danced while laughing. Sam even joined in. I laughed as Dean tried to do a stripper dance. Sam tried too. It was hilarious. Dean ended with a drop and I fell to the floor laughing. He couldn’t get back up. Sam helped me up first and then helped Dean. We continued singing Cherry Pie and dancing.

“Sweet cherry pie!”

“Swing it!” we yelled in unison.

“Shut up!” someone yelled through the wall.

We busted out laughing and fell onto a bed.

“We’re so weird,” I laughed.

“Weird doesn’t even begin to describe us,” Sam said.

“I think I’m adorable,” Dean stated.

I laughed and rolled my eyes.

“Keep telling yourself that,” I teased.

He fake gasped.

“Why are you so mean to me?” he fake cried.

I laughed and Sam rolled his eyes. We then heard banging on the door.

“Coming, coming!” I yelled.

I got up off the bed and walked over to the door. I put my hand on the knob and then there was more knocking.

“I said I’m coming.”

I opened the door and a tall man was looking at me.

“Can I help you?”

“Yes, you can actually.”

I stood there in confusion and he pulled me outside. I squealed and he closed the door, breaking the handle off. The boys ran to the door and tried opening it but they couldn’t.


“You’re Amelia Beard right?” the man asked.

“Depends on who’s asking.”

“I’m here to bring you to my boss. You can either make this easy or hard. I’ll let you choose.”

“Who’s your boss?” I asked.

“I can’t tell you that…”

I nodded and he pulled me to his car. We were still outside when Sam and Dean finally kicked the door open.

“Amelia! Get away from her!”

Dean yanked me out of the man’s hands and held me close to him.


“Who are you and what do you want with Amelia?”


“I’m Kubrick. I was sent here by my boss,” he stated.

“Who’s your boss?”

“I can’t tell you.”

His phone then started ringing. Dean yanked the phone out of Kubrick’s hand and looked at the name.

“Gordon? Really?” he groaned.

“Who’s Gordon?” I asked.

“He’s this vamp hunter who tried to kill Sam,” Dean explained.

I nodded and then Kubrick looked at me.

“I didn’t wanna have to do this.”

He pulled out a gun and pointed it at me.

“Whoa, whoa, whoa,” Sam said as he reached for me.

Kubrick grabbed me and looked as if he prayed for forgiveness.

“I’m taking her with me and you will either let me or I’ll shoot you both.”

Dean and Sam had their hands up in surrender.


Kubrick opened the door to the backseat and pushed me in. He closed the door and then turned to the boys.

“I’m only doing this for Gordon. I’d never actually hurt her. He just wants to talk.”

He got into the front seat and locked the doors. He then drove off.

“Pork rind?” he asked as he held a bag back to me.

“Sure…” I said as I grabbed one.

We were then on the road to this man named Gordon. Was I nervous and scared? Yes, definitely. But I knew that the boys had my back. There was no way that they'd just let this go. I trusted the brothers completely and knew they wouldn't let anything happen to me if they had a say so in it.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2021 ⏰

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