*Meg/Amelia's Point of View*

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   I woke up to the sound of a boom in the motel room. I sat up and gasped. Jace was thrown into a window by Brad.


He looked at me and his eyes were black. Demon. He started walking to me and Sam tried to stop him. Brad broke the table and took one of the legs. He shoved it into Sam’s stomach.


Brad smirked and walked over to me. I then saw black smoke coming my way. I screamed and then I lost control over my body.

  I played with my hair and looked at James, in the body of Brad. He grinned and I stood up.

“What are you waiting for? Let’s go!”

I walked out the room and Brad followed me. We walked to Brad’s car and he drove us to the cemetery.

  We arrived at the cemetery and we walked to his trunk.

“So, Meg?”


I grabbed some rope and the duck tape.

“How do you know ‘The Winchesters’?”

“I ask the questions. Don’t question me.”

I closed the trunk and walked into the cave. I fixed everything up and then walked back out of the cave. I walked back to the car and grabbed a shovel and the headstone. I carried them to an empty area. I dug up enough dirt for a body to fit. I then fixed the headstone up. I placed Amelia’s phone near it. Brad and I walked into the cave and he tied me up in the chair.

“Slap me.”

He hit me hard in the face and my face was burning.

“How long until it’s been 40 minutes?”

“30 minutes.”


He put the duck tape on my mouth and I made myself cry as I fake struggled in the ropes.


Amelia’s phone rang in the distance.

“Amelia!” Dean eventually yelled in the distance.

He’ll find the cave at some point. I smirked through the tape but kept fake sobbing. Brad kept standing in front of me

“Don’t worry, I won’t kill you until your 40 minutes are up. We have 24 more minutes.”

I fake sobbed and kept struggling.

“You might as well give up on that. You’ll never get loose. You’ll just get rope burns.”

I stopped struggling and tried to stop crying. Dean then made a noise.


He stepped into the light and Brad looked at him.

“Ah, I knew you’d come. Come to get the damsel in distress?”

Brad walked towards Dean and I started fake struggling again.

“I swear, you Winchester boys are nothing but idiots. Your father was the same way when he made the deal with a crossroads’ demon to bring you back.”

Dean frowned and crossed his arms.

“Come fight me then!”
“I’ll wait for the 40 minutes to be up, which is in 10 more minutes.”

“No, fight me. You are nothing but a disgrace to demons. No wonder Lucifer abandoned you.”

“You’re wrong!”

Carry On Wayward Son // Dean WinchesterWhere stories live. Discover now