Trouble in Paradise

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Nia told Kara and Lena she would have Brainy take her home but both girls had realized she probably would stay.

"It was good to see you again Harley now don't be a stranger." Lena hugged her bestfriend.

"I won't Lena. It was nice meeting you Danvers." Harley hugged Kara next.

"It was a pleasure to meet you." Kara giggled.

"I'm gonna have to watch you now Kara." Lena said with fake jealousy.

"Lena you have nothing to worry about I have my own girl." Harley said closing the door and leaving Lena dumbfounded.

"That jackass always leaves the best details for next time." Lena sighed taking Kara's hand and walking to her apartment.

"Maybe that's her way of knowing you will always come back." Kara said swinging their hands.

"Probably I just can't believe she was hiding for that long and why didn't Brainy tell me." Lena said tears fighting their way to her eyes.

"Hey Lee he had his reasons. His dead twin came back from the dead with blonde hair that was dyed on the tips. She isn't the girl he left or thought he left." Lena nodded wiping her tears away.

"Yeah you are right." Kara put her arm around the shaking smaller girl.

"I always am." Lena laughed shaking her head.

"Shut up dumbass." Kara just smiled.

"I am your dumbass."

Lena walked into Kara's apartment but almost jumped out of her skin when she saw a guy standing in the middle of the living room.

"Jesus Mon El a warning next time would be great." Lena said placing her hand on her heart.

"Sorry Lena but its kind of an emergency." Kara's headshot up.

"Its my parents isn't it?" Kara had been getting a bad feeling all night but chopped it up to nerves.

"Yeah Kar we got to go. They are in trouble I don't know what type of trouble." Kara shot up getting her things ready.

"Where are they? How far is it? You know what never mind I will be able to get there fast." Kara started pacing but was stopped by Lena placing her hands on the supers shoulder.

"Kar honey calm down and let Mon El speak." Kara nodded siting on the couch and snuggling into Lena like her life depended on it.

"They aren't far just in Gotham. Imra told me we had to get there tonight." Kara shook her head.

"Mon El I just got them back I can't lose them." Mon El nodded he knew how hard this is for his bestfriend.

"I know Kara but you have Lena and we can do this together." Kara shot up when Mon EL mentioned her girlfriend.

"Hell no Mon El Lena is not coming."

"Kara she has to so does Luna and Alex we need everyone. We even need James and Winn we will never get through this without everyone." Kara shook her head.

"Mon El we can get through this without putting my girlfriend in danger." Kara said getting in his face.

"Kar honey I will be fine okay remember El Mayarah." Lena kissed Kara.

"Okay fine but I swear Mon El if she gets one little scratch on her you will die." Mon El nodded.

"Kara I wouldn't want anything else if I hurt anyone." Kara called Luna and Alex getting them to the DEO and into their suits.

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