Chapter 9

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Agent Hearns looks through his mirror after the story he heard, "you are right about Skye, I didn't understand why I was paired with her at first, I mean she is just a kid, why would you risk her life like that? Why would she decide to help and put her life in danger, especially the missions she goes on. Life or death most of them, but then I worked alongside her, I learnt a lot from her. A kid taught me what I should be teaching her. Now I look up to her, I see her as a colleague, family even. She is an amazing person, even after everything she has gone through." He sighs deeply shaking his head.

"What? you know? She told you what happened? She doesn't openly talk about that." Axel speaks up, he was stunned to hear that he knew the story.

Hearn's looks through the mirror with a frown on his face, "Of course I know, we were partners, why wouldn't I know?"

"She literally never speaks of it, if someone tries to get her to talk about she either changes the subject or walks away," Axel replies still in shock at what he is hearing.

"Skye understands that there needs to be trust in a new partnership, especially in the FBI, so we both shared something about each other that we hadn't told anyone before. It was her idea. She understands partnership, why do you all seem surprised by that?" Hearns was confused as to why they were acting like this, did they not know Skye as he did? Were they offended?

"She only goes on solo missions at home, she doesn't like having a partner on missions with her," Derek speaks up, he himself was extremely surprised by what he was hearing, how could she share it with him but not anyone at home? What was so different at home that she can't open up.

"No partner? Then how does she have all the skills that are needed to maintain a solid partnership? I mean she took our partnership very seriously, she jumped through hoops for me. When I went missing she wouldn't stop until she got me back. Most of the FBI agents called her crazy because she wouldn't rest, the truth is, I wouldn't be alive right now if it wasn't for her. I owe her everything, which is why I jumped at the chance to work with her again. I was surprised when I got the phone call from her." Hearn's replies stunned by what he was told, though he manages to add, "We are here."

He turns the engine off taking his key out, turning back looking at Skye, the kid that he worked with for months, the kid that saved his life, fast asleep. He sighs softly, knowing he has to wake her up, if he didn't, she would be angry, "Skye, come on kid, we are here." He could feel the eyes of her team staring daggers at him.

Skye stirs mumbling, "I'm awake," though her eyes hadn't parted, instead she settled back down her head rested back on Hunter's shoulder.

Zion gives her a few minutes before sighing softly, not wanting to wake her up, knowing that she needed her sleep but he also knew how the other agents spoke of her, "You know the guys will talk if we carry you in there. Come on, kid."

Skye suddenly sits up wide awake, "You will do no such thing, Zion. I can walk inside by myself." She turns to glare at him, though it soon softened as she realised he done it for her sake. "Thanks, Zion."

The SPA agents look at each other confused, they didn't understand why she was nice to him like they had an understanding of each other, something that she didn't have with the team she had been with since day one, the ones that helped train her.

"Right, let's get this over with, shall we?" Skye speaks up, she moves towards the door, she opens the door, just an inch, though instantly hesitates. "Stay in here till I get back."

She glances out the door, narrowing her eyes, they were parked at the front like they normally did but something felt wrong, her instincts told her to be cautious, as for why she did not know. She pushes the door open with such force so that it would give her enough time to roll to the side and the door to shut again. Just as the door closes she hears a 'ping' of a bullet hitting of the car, she pulls her handgun out, without a second thought she aims in the direction it came from, taking a breath before shooting for the leg. It all happened in seconds when the attacker is down on one knee his weapon on the floor next to him, she walks over to him each stride long, precise, as she swoops his gun, finally turning to look at him. She was stunned, it was an FBI agent.

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