Chapter 1

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The rays of the winter sun setting shine across London rooftops. The temperature dropping as the sun slowly starts to disappear,  the moon replacing it.

The moon is the only thing lighting the way for Skylar as she leaps across rooftops, she camouflages into the night as she wears all black. Black tight t-shirt, leather jacket, skinny trousers and combat boots, she wore contact lenses with night vision built in, these contact lenses also document everything that she sees, each registration plate she sees, each person. She has a larger square backpack strapped on her back; full of the necessaries.

Skylar leaps over another roof, sprinting to the other side, her way blocked by a Skylight which doesn't faze her, she jumps resting on of her hands against the Skylight as her legs flip over her as she cartwheels landing on the other side of the Skylight. She jogs to the edge of the building, she looks at the crossroad, information showing before her eyes as she identifies each and every vehicle.

Skylar kneels watching the crossroad until she sees her target vehicle. A large white van with tinted windows. The information she is receiving from her contacts interest her, Ford Transit, 2.2 diesel followed by STOLEN in bold. She presses her finger to her earpiece.

"I have located the getaway van, a white Ford Transit, plate CB16 DKB. Do I engage?"

"Good work Skylar, how many are there?" A male's voice replies in her ear.

Skylar looks back at the van, she looks at the vehicles behind it, then the one in front. Both of which were stolen, she didn't believe in coincidences, so she could only assume that they are associated with each other.

"I believe six; three vehicles, two per vehicle. They are on the move, shall I engage?" Skylar starts to run along the rooftop following the three cars, which luckily for her were driving along the road along the rooftops she could access.

"Follow them and assess the situation, when and only when you see the money, engage. Engage but do not eliminate unless necessary. Understood?" the man's voice commanded.

"Understood, over and out." Skylar clicked her ear piece again to end contact.

She runs and leaps across a jump that is larger than she initially thought, her feet slip, only for a second she feels herself falling, her hand grabs the roof of the building, quickly pulling herself up with such force it causes her to project her higher than necessary, she lands on her feet and starts sprinting once more, she looks down at the road again.

Skylar finds herself grinning because she knew what her escape route would be. The location she is at is just a few minute run from where her Range Rover Evoque is parked up. It was her idea to keep her cars parked all over the place, mostly in times like this where she didn't bring a car in the first place. She knew for a fact that the top of the range Santorini black coloured Evoque would be perfect if she had to get away quickly; with a 4.4 Litre LR-SDV8 Diesel engine, getting to speeds of 60mph in 6.5 seconds she could easily lose the Ford Transit which has an EcoBlue 2.0 litre TDCi diesel engine.

Skylar shakes her head as she realises how consumed in her thoughts she was, she didn't even see which building the targets went in. There were too many buildings for her to just guess which one, they were all abandoned which doesn't help the situation in the slightest.

She looks at the cars seeing which building they were parked closest too, just the way the cars were parked protecting the van made Skylar suspicious. She wishes she could see through the buildings just this once. That is when she has a eureka moment. She could. She pulls her arms out of the sleeves of her backpack pulling if off her shoulders and carefully placed it on the floor.

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