Chapter 2

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Skylar grits her teeth out of anger, "Don't kill them unless necessary." She quotes the man in the earpiece in a sarcastic tone. She looks behind her as she keeps reversing, she could hear pings of bullets hitting the window but she didn't allow that to distract her.
As soon as she nears the end of the alleyway she spins the steering wheel to the right letting the car spin 280 degrees, the wheels screeching at the friction. As soon as she is facing west she pushes into first gear, as she slams her foot on the accelerator, the first minute of the chase consisted of clutch changing gear acceleration, with the constant sound of gun fires at her back windows.

Skylar though wasn't scared, she felt the thrill of the chase, these were the only times she is allowed to drive like a maniac. She groans in frustration as the one time she is allowed to drive like a maniac and she finds herself behind a slow driver.

With a heavy sigh, Skylar swings into oncoming traffic in which the drivers honk their horns, as she kept driving towards them then at the last second she swiftly moves back into her lane. She looks into her wing mirror to see her pursuers now driving on the path with the horn blaring as pedestrians jump out of the way.

Skylar keeps heading west until she sees a specific narrow alleyway, she locks the wheel left, her body slamming into the door as the car drifts with the sound of piercing screeching, and the smell of burning tires before she straightens the wheel slamming her foot back on the accelerator, the car sways left then right before straightening.

She glances in her wing mirrors again to see her pursuer's car entering the alleyway, the car scrapping of each wall as the driver starts to lose control. Skylar chuckles softly as she accelerates more as she draws closer and closer towards an 80-degree steep ramp, looking at the digital speed gauge she could see she was going at 104 miles per hour. She smirks a little.

"Let us see if you can cope with this." She quickly reaches for her belt just in case anything goes wrong, pulling it across her body she hears the click just as the car hits the ramp. Taking her foot off the accelerator so the car doesn't tilt as the car flies through the air, across the main road, over pedestrians as she looks out the front window to see many of them looking up and watching the flying car flying towards the motorway bridge.

The car makes the landing with a loud thud, Skylar turns the wheel left a little to straighten up. Before dropping her speed to 80miles per hour. Her eyes keep looking behind her and just a minute later she sees the car crash landing onto the bridge and drive straight into the barrier between the Northbound lane and the South bound lane.

Skylar cringes at their landing, she couldn't help it; it was so humiliating for them. She knew that she had made that jump many times so she knew that she had to make a sharp left but for them, it must have been their first time. Then again no one should have known about that ramp she is the one that created it, in fact, she has made many ramps around town for escape routes like this.

That is when she realised that she been driving on autopilot. From memory of the road, that she had been overtaking cars when she wasn't even concentrating, she shakes her head at how she is so easily distracted, she needed to discipline herself more.

"Skylar, do you have the package?" the voice speaks in her ear causing her jump the car swerves a little.
She clicks her earpiece to connect the conversation.

"Confirmed, I have the package."

"Are you heading back to base now?"

"Yes, I have to make a detour they woke up and followed." Skylar updated glancing in the mirror, to see the front of their car trashed, all of the fronts crashed into the car. "How the hell is their car still going?" She spoke to herself forgetting the communication was still open.

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