Chapter 11

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"I still cannot believe you spoke to the director of the FBI like that SJ." Hunter laughs as he types away on the laptop at the large antique table in the suite, where everyone sat either on laptops or flipping through files, "his face was a picture. He was fuming but he couldn't say anything because he still needs our help."

"You know Skylar I have often told you off regarding your attitude towards others but that was spot on, as the director of SPA I wouldn't have been able to get away with speaking to Trevor the way you did just now. Though if he asks or it comes up, you are being written up." Derek chips in with praise, looking at her with pride in his eyes, she had certainly come a long way from when he first found her.

"It was the right thing to do, this isn't just my mission, it is a group mission therefore we decide as a team when it is time for me to go undercover, plus I want to figure out what they are hiding from us because there is no way in hell that this is all they have on the case. The first victim was killed 5 month ago, they cannot tell us that there are only 3 boxes for 5 month worth of work. Hunter could you tap into their database see if there is anything related to the case that we do not know, Mason, Axel could you both cross reference the gangs MO throughout the whole database, start nationwide including local police, if you still come up empty search worldwide, they may not have started their crime here in the US. Zion and I will review the pictures and evidence as see if we find something they may have missed." Skye takes charge though no one questioned her, they all gave her their undivided attention, she was the lead on this case and they respected that, they respected her, they would never define her.

"What would you like me to do, Skye?" Derek ask looking at her, he was used to being the one giving out commands.

"You can help Hunter, there will be a lot on the FBI database and you will be able to see if something is out of place especially the minor details, after all, you do the majority of our paperwork, which by the way I appreciate, I hate paperwork." She smiles at everyone before grabbing one of the boxes, "Zion and I will work in the living area, give us all some space." She stands up making her way towards the sofa, taking a seat placing the box on the floor next to the table, taking the lid off, picking up a handful of the paperwork. Zion picks up the other two boxes, and follow suit, sitting next to her, he observes her for a short second, she had grown, she was more sure of herself, more confident if that was even possible, the Skye that saved his life, the one that went out her way to ensure his safe, that Skye would never have spoken to the director like that, he was glad that she had grown, he had always been afraid that she would let people walk over her all her life.

Skye felt eyes on her, she lifts her head from the sheet her paper that she was reading to look at Zion. "Is everything ok?"

Zion smiles taking the lid of the box, "Yes, of course, I just cannot believe the amount you have grown. I mean I know its been 2 years but I didn't think you could have possibly grown as a person as you already were but wow did you prove me wrong. You stood up not only for your team but yourself as well, the old you, she would never have done that. I respect that."

She chuckles as she turns her attention back to the ME report she had previously been reading, "You are the one that taught me to, you said 'the only person that truly looks out for someone is themselves.' Don't get me wrong everyone here would back me, no matter what but outsiders, they don't, they only look out for themselves. I learnt that the hard way. Do you remember the training exercises I told you about that I do within SPA?" She waits until she sees Zion confirm before she continues, "Sean called them pranks, he called them that because he didn't understand, he couldn't see the idea working so he tore it to shreds. I don't need that sort of negativity, I don't need people doubting the abilities of not just myself but everyone else here, all it takes is one person to get under your skin and it nags away at you, it gives you doubt, makes you question yourself, every decision that you make, is this line of work there is no time for doubt, no time for hesitation." She glances up at him and gives him half a smile before sitting back crossing her legs to get more comfortable as she gives the report her attention.

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