Chapter 6

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The meeting started once they when they had taken off and they were high in the sky heading towards their destination, Washington. Trevor leans forward his attention turning to Skylar, "Why don't we start with you telling me what your team's specialities are?"

"Hunter is our technology expert, anything that has wires he is your guy, he can hack into literally anything. He also works alongside our inventor so he knows how all of our newest technology works, he is my second pair of eyes when I am out in the field, he will hack into CCTV and guild me where I need to be." She smiles a little at Hunter who was grinning at how she introduced him, she just rolled her eyes and looked back to Trevor. "I believe he has brought some new toys with him. Hunter, what have we got with us?"

"Well, we have a new upgrade on your contact lenses, since you are going undercover we thought we could finally use the upgrade we have been discussing. This device will be able to tell you not only if they have a weapon but what the weapon is, if coms are spotted then the information will automatically be sent back to me where I will be able to determine where the receiver is. We also have coms upgrade where the coms will work with the contact lenses. We will be able to see and hear through the contacts, so we will know when you need assistance or if you find something suspicious without you having to speak." When he is finished he nods to Skye to say he is finished.

Skye turned to look to Trevor whose eyebrows were drawn up impressed with the technology that they had, the FBI didn't have technology that good. "What if you are hacked?" Trevor questioned seriously.

Derek of all people laughed, Skye nudges him in the ribs, "I'm sorry, Trevor. Hunter answer the question."

"The software that we made would be very difficult to infiltrate. As soon as the software is tapped into I will get a notification, I will manually change the IP address. If they somehow get in the software unnoticed then there are hundreds of firewalls and passwords that they would have to pass. If they get a single password wrong they start at the beginning and the passwords will automatically change as would the IP address. If and that is a big if they manage to hack our system then both SJ and I will be alerted, all information will be downloaded on a portable hard-drive before it will shut itself down and reset itself to its factory settings with brand new passwords and firewalls." Hunter explains all of the SPA agents nods as they understood each element of what he said.

Trevor and Sean, on the other hand, didn't understand a word of what the Agent just said, it was like he spoke a completely foreign language. They both just nodded their head, "Right," was all that Trevor could think to say.

Hunter looked at Trevor with slight confusion, "Did you not understand that? I thought I made myself pretty clear."

Skylar speaks up though she too thought that Hunter was easy to understand, "Hunt, not everyone understands your technological language."

"You all do, though." He muttered back, unsure of himself all of a sudden. He never thought he was difficult to understand, his team always understood him, why couldn't the director of the FBI?

"That is why we are a team. We understand each other's language." Skye replies with a soft smile which automatically makes a smile spread across his face.

"Thanks, SJ." Hunter sounded more confident of himself again.

Skye turns to look at Trevor again who was smiling at her, "You're a good leader to your team, Skylar. I can see why Derek would trust you leading this mission."

"On the document, you sent me it stated that I was the leader. I may be the leader of the mission but that doesn't mean I lead the team." She states, folding her arms across her chest.

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