Chapter 3

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The child walks towards the lifts to the lower floor, pushing the button to call the lift she folds her arm, though the tension in her arm caused pain she stayed that way, even when she heard the soft sigh behind her.

"Skylar I am sorry, I know you don't like talking about it and I should have respected that but in these four years you haven't said a single thing about it, then suddenly you blurt this out," Derek speaks softly trying to make her understand. "I know you are trying to find out who done it to your parents. Let me help you."

Skylar turns to look at Derek her eyebrows drawn together in a frown. "You went on my computer? I told you my password for emergency use only, not to keep an eye on me. Plus you never told me anything about Diabolus when I was 10 so why would you now I am 14?"

"Skylar, you cannot talk to me about hacking into your personal computer after you have hacked into every single agent's computer including mine to get any information possible." Derek raises his eyebrows daring her to say she hasn't but he knew that she wouldn't, Skylar is many things but a liar is not one of them.
The lift doors open, both of them walk inside, Derek presses -5 after the door closes Skylar spins to face him. "What did you expect? I just lost my parents and you were teaching me all of it, I had to use everything I could to find who and why they were murdered. You gave me no information, all you said was 'Skylar, it is classified.' Even now after I have closed case after case you still refuse to tell me everything that you know!" Skylar is shouting by the end of her rant out of frustration she just wanted to get justice for her parents.

"Skylar, you don't understand-" Derek starts to talk but that was it for her.

"No, you don't understand! You don't understand anything because you weren't there!" She shouts in the lift to her adoptive father, her body heaving up and down in anger.

"Because you haven't told me anything, Skylar! How am I meant to understand if you haven't told me? How is anyone meant to understand if you don't tell anyone anything?" Derek bellows back, he hadn't even noticed that the lift doors had opened, everyone staring at them both in surprise. They never got this angry at each other, Derek had never yelled at Skylar.

Skylar just shakes her head looking down suddenly feeling like the vulnerable 10-year-old again but she speaks so softly, "The more you know, the more you are in danger." She looks back up to him, tears welling in her eyes. "I can't lose you too." Without waiting for a reply she walks out of the lift and into a large medical floor, the room is filled with rows of beds, three doors to her left led to private rooms, two rooms at the back lead to surgery rooms, the walls the plain white the same as any hospital, medical trays next to beds ready for anything that comes through the door.

Suddenly a voice speaks up to her, "Agent Skylar, what a rare pleasure. Please come this way" she points to the first bed, "Or would you prefer a private room?"

"That bed is just fine, I just need you to take the bullet out of my shoulder patch me up and I'll be leaving," Skylar states as she walks towards the bed sitting on it letting the mattress bounce under her weight.

Derek is still stood in the lift stunned by what his daughter just said to him, just as the doors were closing he slammed his arm in the way to open it again walking to her. "What do you mean?" he says giving Skylar a hard glare, keeping it cryptic as ears were listening.

"I haven't become as strong as I am now for nothing." Skylar looks back at her father unfazed by his hard glare.
"This may sting a little." The doctor informs uncomfortably as they argued.

Derek ignores the doctor knowing Skylar could handle it, "You cannot go after them alone." He proclaims looking her dead in the eye to show how serious he is.

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