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Pain. That is all the child can feel as she slowly starts to come around. Disorientated. Not quite aware of her surroundings. She attempts to look around to focus on anything specific but between her blurry eye sight and the instant discomfort from any slight movement, it is near impossible to accomplish.

The child is used to the pain, she has woken up like this for a long time; so long she cannot remember the light in her life. She closes her eyes as she lets the dizziness and sickness pass. As the pain slowly starts to fade she is fully aware of something cold under her arm. She knows that the coldness can only mean one thing. She is back in the prison that she lives in. That for now, she is safe.

Her arm is now cold as ice, she knows she has to move. That only means one thing. More pain. She takes a deep breath to calm herself down which she instantly regrets as all the odour's she previously tried to ignore hits her hard. All she could smell is urine, stool and blood, all of which belong to her.

She slowly and carefully pushes to stand up but excruciating fire like pain shoots up her arm, she cries out as her arm is unable to hold her weight and falls underneath her, her arm slams against the cold concrete once more. Crying she rolls onto her back the whole of her body protesting with each movement, but she doesn't care anymore.

She stares at the plain grey concrete ceiling until a voice is what made the child open her eyes, the voice of her mum; Rosella. "Skylar, Skylar baby please don't cry, I know it hurts, I know it does but be strong for mum, ok?" Skylar turns her head towards the angelic voice that she cherishes so much.

"Why are we here? Why are they doing this?" Skylar's voice is shaken, it always is now, especially in this place.

Rosella reaches her hand through the bars that separate her and her daughter. She reaches towards her daughter's hand but couldn't quite reach. Skylar despite the pain stretches her hand towards her mums which she grasps tight.

Skylar looks into the eyes of her mum, all she saw was pain, torture and horror. Skylar's eyes roam over her mum's body and saw no wounds, no blood, nothing. She didn't understand why she is in pain. "They are a group of people that call themselves Diabolus. These people are very bad, they would do anything to hurt a lot of people including hurting you. I'm so sorry Skylar, this is all our fault. Mine and your dad's. These people want information we have but we are not allowed to give it to them. Do you understand?"

"W-why? Why don't you give it to them? It's always good to share. You told me that." The innocent minded child replied.

"Oh dear child, you are only ten-years-old and you have been through so much yet you are still so pure. Skylar, the information I and your father have it is important, very important. If Diabolus gets the information then they will kill hundreds if not thousands of people." Rosella tries to explain so that her young daughter would understand.

Skylar nods painfully, half smiling as she knows what needs to be done, she heard a lot of talk like this going around this place. "I understand now, it is better for one person to die then 100s of people to die. You keep your secret mum, I will be alright. I will go to heaven with grandma and grandad; I will finally get to meet them."

Rosella is stunned to silence, she thought that Skylar would never understand it at all. She defiantly didn't expect what she heard come out of her mouth. She just sits there staring at her daughter, a child so young ready to sacrifice her own life 100s of others. Rosella finally collects her thoughts, she squeezes Skylar's hand tight looking her in the eyes, "Skylar Javier, you will not die here, do you understand me? You will get out of here alive one way or another. Say it." Rosella demands from her daughter.

"I will get out of here alive one way or another," Skylar repeats to her mum though she has no idea how she is going to get out of here. She didn't understand much. Suddenly everything seems to go in slow motion.

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