Chapter 12

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The team sit silently to listen as Skye's is hesitant by the door, they look at each other stunned when they head her footsteps move away from the door. They all turn to Zion, "What is your secret?"

He chuckles softly shaking his head, "I don't have a secret, sometimes you need to remind her of past consequences, she fainted from exhaustion on our mission. I had to carry her home. That is when the guys at the FBI took the piss. She does learn from her mistakes you just need to remind and encourage her too. Anyway, let's make sure we get all the evidence we need to show her how helpful having a team or partner is especially if she refuses a partner whilst in England."

Hunter nods, "yes, you are right. This is a great opportunity to show her she isn't alone and she can rely on us all to have her back. I will keep trying to recover this lost data though it will take some time. Whilst it recovers the data I will just Skye's laptop to do some further digging into the FBI."

Mason pulls his laptop back to him, "I will looking into the Spanish and French cases try to see if there are any links with victims then Axel will be able to look into England's and Washington."

Mason looks at Axel who nods in agreement, "sounds like a plan, thanks for giving me the easier more up the date cases."

"That's what you'd think, I bet a hundred quid that the Spain and France cases are easier to look into." Mason looks at Axel daringly.

"oh you are so on, this will be the easiest hundred quid ever." Axel reaches out shakes his hand firmly.

Zion chuckles shaking his head, "I guess that's a way to keep things interesting, I will carry on going through the boxes. Skye mentioned a common wound so I am going to check to see if the third victim has the same. Hey, if you two come across a shooting to the IVC then you should make a note of it, it maybe a significant link."

Derek looks at each of the team smiling, Skye really had a good team around her, people that love her and would do anything for her, he had made a stable home for her. "I will look into the Fielding family, more importantly Theodore. Skye will want to know him inside and out. I will also try to figure out why the FBI think he is the next target. Let's make Skylar proud."

Hunter starts typing away on his computer trying to follow the code trail to find out where within the database the deleted files were. He knew they were there or he wouldn't able to find the code within the database. That meant at least one of the team isn't a professional they aren't a armature but they certainly were not a professional, He followed the numbers, typing away until he finally located the files. "There you are." He sets the software to reinstate the files. The approximate time 2 hours and 42 minutes. He sets his laptop to the side before standing up to walk to the other side of the table picking up Skye's laptop.

"You will use that for research only, Hunter. You know what Skye is like for her privacy. I don't want you digging into her documents. I know what you are like, sometimes you can't help yourself but this is Skye." Derek warns him, she would be distraught if she found out Hunter went through her personal files.

Hunter looks up at him slightly stunned, "sure boss. Research only. I respect Skye. I won't go into anything that I shouldn't." Though it intrigued him. What does Skye have on her laptop? What was she looking into that Derek wants kept a secret?

Hunter logged onto Skye's' laptop and logged straight into his personal SPA account, he uses the system to hack into the FBI to find out who had accessed the evidence and the shared drive database. There were a few names that crossed over both. Two of them were the main investigators of the case, partners, Agent Kyra Mora and Agent Hasan Andrade. He decided to dig more into these agents first as it wouldn't be suspicious for them to go in and out of evidence on their own case which means they would make the perfect moles. Hunter looked into Agent Mora's file first, she had a great reputation, Mora And Andrade had solves many cases together. They had never let a case go this cold before in fact each case they worked they kept digging. They always wanted to find justice. So what was different about this case? Why was this their first cold case? As Hunter delved deep into Mora's file he found nothing of interest, in fact, the opposite. Outstanding work, recommendations for promotions, she had convictions on 85% of her cases in her 6 year service. Could anyone truly be that good of a detective? SJ came to mind as he remembered her case rating. She had solved the majority of her cases solo though she could be very resourceful if need be, maybe Agent Mora had the same resourcefulness, maybe she was just as good as SJ. Hunter decided to check out when the last time Mora signed into the case file, after typing away rapidly his was frustrated with what he found. Not her. She last signed in a few days before the files were deleted and looking at the file size she had added some evidence to the file. She was still working on the case.

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