Chapter 13

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"We have managed to find out that they originally originated in Spain but before going into more detail I think we should hear what Mora has to give us in case we have some overlap." Derek replies turning his attention to look at Mora as did the rest of the team.

"Well, there is a lot of evidence to go over, Skye. I am unsure if I will be able to give it to you all before you have to go. I mean I can summaries it to the best of my abilities but as you know there are a lot of cases that we need to through, all the families. I mean I did not find a specific link into the cases that were here in the US but I find the links in the UK. Though I didn't mind to link the organisation to Spain so I will be intrigued to find out what information your team has found out." She turns to look at Skye, "You were right, I have my copy with me, I will plug it into the TV, I know it is easier for you when you have visuals."

"Wait, we could have done our research on the large TV? Why didn't you tell us this, SJ." Hunter muttered accusingly with his arms folded across his chest.

"Because you would have all argued over who would use the TV and got no work done." Skye replies with a smirk as she walks towards the sofa, taking a seat as Kyra plugs her USB stick into the touch screen TV remote.

She looks at the screen confused at how it worked, Skye chuckles softly before taking the remote which was the size of an tablet, she tilts it to the side and beams the information to the TV. She lets her eyes glance over the different files, this was a very organised file, each family case having their own file and she could only assume that within these files were more files. This may take a while to get through, time they didn't have. She hands the remote back, "I think it would be best for you to navigate, I do not think I have time to go into each individual case. So, it looks like you have a file for case summary, shall we have a look into that?"

"Yes, we should. We did manage to catch a few members of the organisation on CCTV, I do not know if it was a mistake on their behalf or if we just got luckily but like I said they are meticulous. We do not know where in the chain command these people are but I think are low." Kyra clicks on the CCTV image that shown 3 middle aged men. The first a tall, approximately 6' 2, Caucasian, shortish messy black hair with a stubbled beard, Skye noticed a tattoo on his arm but it was barely unidentifiable to the naked eye, she also noticed he was carrying something in his hand, a piece of paper maybe? The male in the middle was of an African-American, average height, close shaved black hair, large muscles, again he had a tattoo was it an crew tattoo? The final male was a shorter chubbier Caucasian, his long blond hair blew in the wind, the majority of his face covered by his blond beard, he though was wearing a long sleeved t-shirt so she couldn't see if he too had a tattoo.

"Kyra, were you able to identify the tattoo's?" She turns her attention back to Kyra, who looked back at her confused,

"tattoos? What tattoos?" Kyra replied narrowing her eyes trying to see what Skye could but there was nothing there.

"Yeah Skye, I don't see anything, maybe you are still tired." Hunter chips in opinion, folding his arms across his chest.

"I am not seeing things. Kyra, please pass me the controls." Skye asks her voice harder than usual, she couldn't believe they accused her of seeing things, she took the control from Kyra, and zoomed the photo into the arm of the first male, she enhanced the photo and filtered out some of the colours until the tattoo was clear for all to see.

"How on earth did you see that?" Axel exclaims surprised, that was barely visible it took a lot of filtering, "Is that a ring tattoo? Who gets a tattoo of a ring?"

"Its not a ring, it's a circle with kind of like a single horn growing out of the top of it." Mason corrected, as he tilts his head to side with slight concern, "It is a very strange tattoo though, some reason it reminds me of a drug dealers, you know their brand."

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