𝟎𝟏 ∘ new reality

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I'm in love with Joel because he is basically just Stiles and Thomas combined, and what more could you ask for?

Anyway, here's another Dylan O'Brien fanfic, because why the hell not?

Hope you guys enjoy x


Delilah Moon was sixteen when the world ended

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Delilah Moon was sixteen when the world ended.

Well, it didn't end - but it was pretty close.

Apparently, an asteroid named Agatha 616 had been on its way that day, Earth directly in its path. All the leaders from around the world had come together to save humanity, working as one for maybe the first time.

Their idea was to launch a series of rockets at the asteroid in hopes of blowing it up. They went through with this plan, and at first, it worked - the world was saved and everyone was grateful. Hooray!

People cheered for half an hour and then went on with their lives as if it was just any other day. Except, there's always a catch, isn't there?

And this particular catch, well, it was a bit of a bitch.

Actually, not a bit. It was a total bitch.

Like spit in your face, tear up your books, wake you up from a really great sleep sort've bitch.

You see, as any low-level science student could tell you, the reason rockets did what they were made to do was thanks to chemicals. Not just a few either, but heaps. And, unfortunately for us, mixing chemicals didn't always end well.

This mix of chemicals rained back down on the Earth right after the rockets blew up Agatha 616, and changed everything. Not straight away, either. We saw it rain down, but it took a few days for the chemicals to reach the ground.

The whole world didn't change, but enough did to turn our lives upside down. All the cold-blooded creatures on Earth were affected, each of them mutating and turning into monsters.

And suddenly, humans were no longer at the top of the food chain. As Delilah's father had learnt, these creatures had found a taste for humans now that they were bigger than them.

The military was quick to respond, but it was hard when the world had never faced this sort of threat before. Over time, during their fight to overcome the monsters and other countries, the military took each other out. Because, apparently, not even a common enemy could bring the world together.

Guns became in high demand amongst everyday people, some of which who had never handled a weapon before. It had definitely been a first for Delilah, but she found she was a quick study. After the first few monsters, killing them became something she wasn't afraid to do.

She wasn't entirely sure how she felt about this new side of her, but it was their new reality.

Within the first year of the monsters taking over, the world had lost 95% of its population. Survivors and stragglers realised that they didn't stand much of a chance against the creatures. The majority of humanity began to hide away in bunkers, caves, panic rooms - anywhere where they were able to protect themselves from the monsters.

𝐇𝐎𝐖 𝐈𝐓 𝐄𝐍𝐃𝐒 ≡ Joel Dawson (Pt. 2 on hold)Where stories live. Discover now