Chapter 13- Warning

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Chapter 13- Warning

Fear is a primitive human emotion. It can alert a person in presence of danger or threat of harm. Elise who see the person who was the cause of her fear gritted her teeth.

She doesn't want to feel threaten just because she saw the villain. Elise tried her best to calm down and fight the abnormal fear developing inside her. It's in my mind... Elise wanted to act normal as possible but her voice broke talking with Nero.

"Nero, C-can we get out of here fast? I think I'm not recovered yet. I feel tired now."

Nero notice the sudden change of atmosphere. The girl stops from walking and stand frozen after seeing Alicia with Duke Molten. He heard her saying to go out but Nero crescent eyes caught that she's frightened after noticing her voice.

Nero grab Elise shoulder and turn her around. He patted her head and whisper something.

"Sshhhh, Stay here."

Elise who is unaware that she's biting her lips hard was surprised by the sudden action of Nero. Elise eyes got bigger by the emotional burden. She gathers her thoughts and breathe slowly to stabilize her breathing.


Alicia is done checking a book in the left wing corner of the shelves. She is disappointed that she can't find the book she needed. It was an assignment from the academy in her Theology subject, that's why when she invited Elise to go to capital it was in her plan to stopped by at the bookstore.

Alicia think that maybe the book she needed is in the higher shelves but she did not bring her passes so it was impossible to access it. For now, Alicia will just go to Elise and asked her if she wanted to buy a book.

"Good day my Lady Alicia Forbe."

A voice from a man suddenly greeted Alicia. She saw him standing one meter across her, Duke Molten- wearing his signature black suit.

Alicia is taken aback by the sudden appearance but manage to stay compose and in her graceful smile she greeted the duke.

"Greetings to Duke Molten."

A simple unemotional response but her poise is so perfect that no one can see her true feelings.

"You're still beautiful Lady Alicia. Even a busy gentleman like me is willing to spare the time just to treat you lunch."

"Thank you for your kindness Duke but I'm afraid I'm very busy to give you my precious time."

Alicia smile is elegant and pretended to be innocent after ridiculing the Duke. She faces him confidently.

Duke Molten flinched by the rejection and rudeness. He made sure that lady Alicia is alone today before he approached her. He was flustered by the direct dislike that he was embarrassed.


"Greetings Duke Molten"

Nero appearance surprise the Duke. Alicia, after hearing Nero's voice is now breathing normally. She felt the adrenaline finally leaving her but she stayed calm. Nero is the guard of Alicia that are rude to the Duke. Nero's uninterested eyes stare at the Duke with pure arrogance.

"I'm still talking to Lady Alicia."

Duke Molten eyes is full of disgust eyeing Nero. He is angry by the rude guard remarks. Insolence of interrupting a noble! but even after he used intimidation spell Nero didn't budge but in contrast he become icy cold.

"The Lady need to be back to the academy. I'm afraid forcing a lady is not an act of gentleman Duke."

Nero is polite but his intention to get rid of the Duke is obvious. His face has no emotion just like the time when he killed Dilon in the dungeon. The Duke flinched by the sharpness of the mere guard.

"I'm planning to take the lady for lunch. A dog guard should just follow in the back don't you think so?"

Duke Molten is so pissed. He is ready to get rid of the guard by disrespecting him many times. He will use it as an opportunity to blackmail the lady. A vicious smile shown on his face.

"Duke Molten. Never forget that Lady Alicia is an excellent student valued by the academy and the empire. A lunch that isn't approved by the Lady will take as violence of the academy, or taken as an insult to imperial law as discrimination of the student. Now Duke, are you still going to risk it.?"

Nero aggressive answer flustered the Duke. He wanted kill him this instant but stop himself. He became stiff and glare at Nero.

It's true that Lady Alicia is a genius and acknowledge by the empire. Forcing her now will only take as a bad impression to both academy and imperial law. He thinks fast and control his expression. He bows as a sign of defeat and leave them without looking back.

Elise who is listening far away silently applause by Nero's gut. He is worth guard of Alicia. Now that Elise witness that Nero can protect Alicia, she decided to be in friendly terms with Nero. May be she trust him, at least for protecting her until her fifteen birthday.

Elise is sure that Duke Molten wanted Alicia but his intention isn't clear to her. She plans to think of escape plan if ever Duke Molten tried to harassed Alicia but thanks to Nero she is now free from anxiety. But Duke Molten attitude is clearly a warning, the Duke is suspicious to Elise. His behavior is close to obsession of Alicia. She wanted to be ready for the future confrontation.

The three of them decided to go back home even though they still have more itinerary. Alicia noticed Elise wounds in her lips and worries endlessly. Elise manage to calm her down and send signal to Nero but he just stares at her with indifferences.


A/N: Hi guys, to those who are confused Elise is afraid of Duke Molten even before she was locked up in prison (if you see chapter 3-4). Her reaction to him is for villain rn.

Also...Yes! Nero is one of the male lead. :) look forward for character development.

Dedication for this chapter:

@naraina @glass_shard @ruaan @lissi @harmony @scribble_read @sithologist @polis @alizzia_ward

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