chapter seven

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tw // (underage) alcohol, pills, mentions of blood, homophobia

Eventually Dream pulled himself together and drove home. To his surprise when he pulled up Sapnaps car was still there, meaning he had waited for Dream.

Dream grabbed the rest of the pill bottle and shoved it into his pocket. He went to open the car door and noticed the blood that had pooled at his knuckles from slamming them against his wheel prior. He wiped it off on his sweatshirt and proceeded to leave his car.

As he walked up to the front steps Sapnap opened the door first.

Sapnap gave Dream a blank stare, he could tell Dream had been crying "Come here man" Sapnap pulled Dream up the steps and into a hug "I'm sorry, you know I hate fighting with you."

Dream hugged Sapnap back and let out a small 'thank you' which was barely audible.

Sapnap left the hug first and let Dream come inside "We don't have to go to this party if you aren't feeling it anymore man" Sapnap spoke up.

Dream rubbed his eyes "I want to go, I told George we'd go" He walked over to the sink and started to wash the dried blood off of his hands.

Sapnap didn't want to hit another nerve, but he knew Dream would just get fucked up if they went "You sure? We barely know George I doubt he'd care."

Dream shut the faucet off and turned to look at Sapnap "I told him we'd go. So we're going" He started to walk away "It's 6:30 now, we'll leave in a few?"

All Sapnap did was nod. He didn't really know what to do. Yes, he'd been dealing with this for his whole life, but recently Dreams addiction seemed to be heightened. Sapnap just needed to make sure he kept an eye on him.


"Yoooo four eyes, we'll pick you up in a bit okay?" Quackity voiced through the discord call.

"Q, the glasses I wear aren't for vision. I wear them to hide my black eye" George looked at his reflection on the computer screen.

Karl jumped in the conversation "Yeah yeah whatever. Anyways, we will be at your house in like 30 minutes ok?"

George paused, he still really didn't want to go to this. Yes some of his friends would be there, but he knew Schlatt would be there too.

"Earth to George? Helloooooo?!" Quackity got closer to his mic making his voice sound loud and distorted.

George jumped out of his thoughts "Jesus Quackity you scared me, and yes I'll be ready" George replied with an unsure tone.

"You sound a little on edge, you sure you'll be ready?" Karl's tone was softer and more sincere now.

George picked at his fingernails "Uhm, yeah i'll be good"

Quackity voiced in trying to break this nervous tension "He just needs a few drinks in him, we'll be fine! See ya soon!"

Quackity left the voice call —>

Karl and George stayed in the call quiet for a few seconds "You don't have to go if you really don't want to George, you know that right?" Again Karl's voice was soft.

George continued to pick at his skin "I'm just nervous, you guys will stay with me the whole time right?" His voice was a little shaky.

"Of course you nimrod! Calm down, I won't leave your side! Promise" His voice became more cheery now, in hopes to bring George's sprits up.

"Okay, thank you Karl. I'll go now bye" George let Karl say goodbye as well and he left the call.

-party time-

Under the Bleachers | (AU) DreamnotfoundWhere stories live. Discover now