Bitch, Don't Kill My Vibe

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Bitch, don't kill my vibe

I am a sinner

Who's probably gonna sin again

Lord forgive me, lord forgive me

Things I don't understand

Sometimes I need to be alone

Bitch, don't kill my vibe

Bitch, don't kill my vibe

I can feel your energy from 2 planets away

I got my drink

I got my music

I will share it but today

I'm feeling

Bitch, don't kill my vibe (4x)

Kendrick Lamar- Bitch, don't kill my vibe

I sat at home on Monday morning. Bored out of my mind, on Twitter, re-tweeting. DM'ing people. Following people, just bored. I got a Direct Message from Chris and it surprised me. My heart started pounding as I clicked on it, eager to see what it says.

"Valerie, what you on? You still in Miami I'm going there this week, maybe we could see each other"

I smiled and DM'd him back, "ofc, I miss you. I see Kae's pussy must of got a little old"

he DM'd back, "nah, she got a little old, but fuck her. Can't wait to see you"

I replied, "why haven't you been texting me?"

"Kelly said you got a new number, so I was thinking that's probably why you weren't texting back"

WAIT! HOLD UP! Chris spoke to Kelly about me and the shady bitch had a nerve not to tell me?! I didn't reply back. I dialed Kelly's number, put her on speaker and went to her Twitter page. It rung about 4 times and she answered, "what?" she answered snottily.

"that's how you answer the phone, bald-head ass wench? Why didn't you tell me Chris asked about me?" On her page, her followers were increasing, but she was no where near mine. She had a lot of pictures with more celebrities. I'm not gonna lie, she's starting to be more in the spot light. I slammed shut my Netbook and continued to talk to her on the phone.

"who thought you would of cared? Fucking with Michael and Asap, like damn bitch, make up ya mind on which dick you want, anyways I gotta go, text me" she hung up. This bitch got me fucked up, sometimes she just pisses me off. I should go to her room and trash that shit. I shook my head, chewing on my finger thinking if I should send her a long ass text message, cursing her out and letting her know how jealous she is. I shook my head and laughed at my ignorance. I just always have to be the last to get the last word or fuck with someone.

I opened up the message from Chris, gave him my number. He texted right away and we had a straight convo from then and there about simple things that's been going on. Chris was actually cool, even though at times he can be childish and annoying, besides that, he was cool. I was at home all day, texting Chris, watching movies on Netflix, on Twitter and skyping with my gay cousin Joey.

Joey had me rolling our whole conversation on Skype.

"girl yes, his dick was so little, nigga was still in development" he said. I was dying of laughter. Just of the fact my cousin talking about the gay sex he has with guys was hilarious to me PERIOD. it was 12 at night, neither Kelly or Dani was home. I was starting to get worried that these bitches really had jobs that they needed to do. They're really taking this fame shit seriously. It's starting to make me jealous. I frowned thinking about it.

"cousin. What's wrong?" Joey asked, popping his lips. I shook my head nothing, "Joey, I'll Skype you back" I said.

"is it Chris?" he wondered. I laughed and shook my head, "no, I'm about to run to the store"

"stores in Miami? You mean bar? Club? Cause I know you about to get faded" he blurted. I laughed and ended the video call. I called Dani and she didn't answer. I wasn't about to be in this big ass house all by myself. I wanted to chill with someone. The first person that popped up in my head was Ty but fuck him. I bet your thinking, "what he do this time?" EVERYTHING! he stay pissing me off. I sighed really loud, dragging it out and stretched out over the leather sofa. I starred at the ceiling.

Fuck. My. Life.

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