She's On Fire

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Mama bad,

Mama mean,


She's on fire

Put her out but a matter of fact; take her out

Cause she's on fire

Got on my knees and asked my lord to keep me clear from the devil cause my girl...


Yeah, but everything is so cool.

Lil Wayne- She's on fire


"Valerie," a voice said with mad passion. I turned around to see... CORDE?! the VIP room door swung open and when it closed, Corde was standing there with four guys. Just chillin and posted up on the wall. Damn.

"Corde?" I said, more like it was a question. He grabbed both of my hands, pushed me back a step, checked me out and said, "damn, you look good as hell"

"nothing changed, nigga" I said, noticing how sexy he got. He had a toothpick in his teeth and his mouth was open, playing with the toothpick between his teeth. He pulled me closer to him, his breath hitting my neck.

"I didn't forget" I snapped.

"forget what? I ain't forget shit either. Man I asked Kelly and your girl Dani, I even asked that nigga Boice where you was at"

"I don't give a fuck, you disrespected me that day." I said, with thick attitude.

He did a petty laugh, "ah that shit was nothing. You need to get at ya boy Tyga, that's him illing, not me. You know that kid is sick." he said, spinning me around and checking me out from head to toe. I surveyed him and wondered what he was talking about.

Before I could say anything he said something, "come on, take a ride with me?" he asked but more in a demand voice. My eyes peeped a black Beamer that pulled up.

"what you whipping?" I asked, then the nigga started fidgeting, mumbling something which amounted to the fact that he was a passenger in another nigga car. That made it easier for me to tell him no.

"Come on, Valerie. You sleeping on this nigga," he said, patting his chest. "a nigga been stacking racks, I'm about to cop something beautiful. I'm about to become into something real big soon"

I turned him down, not with words but with my eyes. I already know the game he was playing but 2 can always play that game.

He sensed my rejection and nodded his head. I kissed him on the cheek and whispered in his ear, "some other time, not tonight"

He smiled with 100 percent confidence.

"mamacitaaaaaaa!" Kelly yelled, walking over to me and Corde who just walked away. She jumped on me and we fell to the floor, "I love you" her drunken voice slurred, the smell of Margarita hitting my nose.

"I love you more" I said, kissing her lips as she rolled off of me. We got inside my black Bentley and drove home. I practically dragged Kelly as out the car inside of the house and she laid in the middle of the doorway, talking shit on herself.

Layla came down the stairs, her 'boy' friend who was here that day we fought, followed behind her.

"ew, why is she drunk?" she asked, stepping over Kelly. I rolled my eyes, me and this little bitch relationship was the true definition of H A T E. I couldn't stand her ass, she always complained and had attitude and she thought she was better than everyone. She was skinny, real skinny and she had this really long pretty hair to be fully black and she was bow-legged, knot-kneaded, pigi-toed and all that shit. I hate the way she walked and stand. When she walked her legs goes all the way back and far apart because she was so bow-legged and when she stand in one spot her legs go all the way back because she was bow-legged, pigi-toed and knot-kneaded. She was really gorgeous, that's something I can say about Layla. She could be a model, she was perfect for it. It was just that, 'I Don't Give A Fuck' attitude that blew the fuck out of me.

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