14-Worried friends and a new arm.

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You guys should totally follow me on tiktok cuz I made a new account blocking anyone that I know irl lol. @h3110kitty.c0m or add me on snap if you wanna chat 👉👈 @gracelefler19

ANYWAYS RANT TIME YOU DONT HAVE TO LISTEN--- my gf broke up with me without even telling me and I had to find out through 2 of my friends 😃. She told me we should go on a a break because her mental health and I understood that and gave her space, she told me she would tell me if she lost interest, and then yesterday (April 15th) she posted on her story about how she wanted a guy to love her blah blah blah. I'm literally going to set myself on fire 🥰 every time we get together she leaves me for a guy and tells me it's because of her mental health and it's really damaging to my mental health lol. Because it makes me feel like I have to be a guy to get her to like me and everytime someone breaks up with her it's like I'm her replacement option until she gets another crush on a dude ya know? Edit--- I'm okay now lol

You jolted awake, your heart raced as you breathed in and out heavily. What in the fuck was that dream...? You haven't had nightmares very often at all since you have arrived into this new superhuman world. It was definitely strange, more than strange. 

"Oh," Recovery girl's familiar comforting voice filled your ears. You twisted your body around, however pain from being sore shot up through your ribs. You winced, falling back into the bed. "Yes, yes," She urged. "Stay down, you don't wanna strain yourself like you did back at the U.S.J." 

"Huh?" You mumbled out weakly. Suddenly, memories shot through your mind from days before. That blasted woman... No, wait you don't need to worry much about her, what about your friends? "Was everyone okay?" You questioned the woman.

"Yes, everyone made it out safely, except for you of course." She replied with a serious expression, much unlike her usual smile. Oh, right... You gazed back over to your missing arm, oh how you already missed it... There was a bandage around it protecting it, so 0 blood came out causing you to bleed out and die. 

"Now then," She started, getting to the important stuff as quickly as she could, "this is a serious decision, so you don't have to make it today. I can only heal small boo boos and broken bones, so I could only get the skin to heal over where your arm was cut off. You have the choice of getting a normal prosthetic, or an advanced one that will help you with fighting and such. There's a third option as well, you can drop out of U.A, it's understandable seeing that this is a tragic incident," She explained shortly to you. You weren't a quiter, no way in hell would you walk out of this school with a missing arm and shame. 

"What do you mean by an advanced prosthetic?" You quirked an eyebrow at this. You truly were curious of this statement. 

"Oh ya know, just like..." She put a finger up to her chin mumbling about how she should word this. "A robot arm," She answered simply. You have heard about robots while watching a movie on the television. You nodded your head in understanding. "It will look exactly like your normal arm and hand, there's just machinery and wires running under it. It will enhance a few things such as strength and such, however it will just be in that one arm," She explained to you. 

You nodded your head in understanding. You weren't exactly 100% sure on this new arm idea. You'd have to see it and actually test it out to even begin the thought of even considering the idea of it. "Can I try it out?" You asked politely with a glimmer of curiosity shinning in your eyes. 

"Of course!" She exclaimed with her resting smile. "I can have someone bring it here," She slowly wobbeled over to the phone that sat on her desk, picking it up and pushing a few numbers. 

You directed your attention to your not so there arm. No thoughts bubbled or boiled in your mind, it felt like peace. Well, not necessarily peace, maybe content? You weren't even sure, a deep sigh escaped your lips. Unknowingly, your eyes narrowed at the bandaged numb. You've seen many people without a limb, whether it was a comrade or just a stranger in a village. However, you never thought that one day it would be you without the arm. It was certainly a strange sight to say the least. 

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