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Claire's pov

I turned on my side, trying to get comfortable in my new bed, in my new room, in my new house with my new family, in my new town, in my new country, in my new continent. I saw the letter from my father poking out of the trashcan. This is all too much, I thought to myself as I started to tear-up again. I pulled out the letter knowing sleep wasn't on the horizon.

My beautiful daughter Claire,

I'm so sorry I had to leave before I could say goodbye. It was never my intention to deceive you about our trip to Italy. I know it must be hard for you to understand but it had to be done this way for your safety and the safety of the rest of our family.

Unfortunately, I'm going to be away for awhile, Claire, but I want you to know I'll be back as soon as I can. In the meantime, I've asked your uncle EJ to step in for me and take care of you like I would if I were there. I know this situation isn't ideal as the two of you have never met before. It's going to be a big adjustment for both of you so please be patient, sweetpea.

The much too short time we've had together has been the best year of my life. I know your uncle will feel the same way about the time you're together. You are the bravest, kindest, smartest, most amazing girl, Claire Francesca. Soon your uncle and grandfather will find this out for themselves. They already love you, just give them some time to get to know you.

Your uncle and your grandfather are in charge of you now, Claire. You need to listen to what they tell you to do. I expect you to obey them and treat them with respect. They will discipline you if you misbehave so please be good, sweetpea. I've instructed your uncle to take you over his knee and spank you if need be. I know you don't like to be punished this way so don't give him reason to. Remember, they have your best interests at heart.

I wish things didn't have to be this way, that we didn't have to be apart. I already miss you like crazy, Claire. I love you more than life itself and I would go to the ends of the earth to protect you and keep you safe. Don't ever forget that, il mio dolce angelo (my sweet angel).

I wiped my tears and sighed. You're right, Father, I don't understand why you had to leave and why I have to stay here. Curling up in a ball under the covers, I slipped the letter under my pillow, knowing the lingering scent of my father's cologne is the closest I'm going to get to him in a long, long time.

I woke up around 10:45am and headed down to breakfast in my pajamas. I'm honestly surprised no one woke me up sooner since my uncle and grandfather seem to enjoy getting up at the crack of dawn for no reason. My aunt and uncle were still in the dining room having coffee so I sat down to have breakfast.

"You couldn't be bothered to put clothes on before you eat?" my uncle scolded me.

Before I could answer, my aunt jumped in, "Leave her alone, EJ. She doesn't need to dress formally for breakfast for crying out loud." My aunt gave me a reassuring smile as she patted my knee. "You sound more and more like Father everyday now, Brother."

"You take that back, Sister, and all I'm suggesting is that she comes to the dining room dressed, not in a formal ball gown." My uncle flipped my aunt the bird as he got up to refill his coffee.

I don't think they'd be acting like this if Grandfather was here. It's kind of nice to see them act like normal siblings, not like I would know though, since I'm an only child. I'm just guessing based on how I've seen my friends act around their brothers and sisters when their parents aren't there.

One of the servants brought my breakfast in so I immediately started to eat as I was practically starving. I didn't finish my dinner last night and I haven't had anything since. That was like more than fourteen hours ago.

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