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"No school!" You shout happily.

Knock Knock

"Coming." You open the door to see Haruka and Michiru.

"Hey Haruka, Michiru." You said.

"Hey." Michiru greeted warmly. "We were wondering if you would spend the day with us."

"Of course I will!" You said.

"How's bun-head doing?" Haruka asked.

"She's doing fine." You said. "Still failing school as always!" You laughed along with Haruka, but it was a light, friendly laugh. You then noticed how Haruka was a bit similar to Sailor Uranus and gasped.

"What's the matter?" Michiru asked.

"You look similar to Sailor Uranus, Haruka." You replied. You went to get ice cream, but you didn't realize that the ice cream lady was Kaolinite in her disguise.

"Do you have (Whatever ice cream flavor is your favorite)?" You asked.

"Yes we do!" The 'Woman' said. You didnt realize that a daimon egg had gotten into your book.

"Ok i'll take that!" You say and then hand the 'Woman' the money.

Then a light illuminated and you were blinded as well as Haruka and Michiru.

"NANI?!" You shout. The light died out and then you saw a Daimon.

You had left your transformation pen at home. So you decided to call Emika.

"EMIKA!" You shouted as Emika's face was shown on the screen.

"It's staticy!" Emika shouts. The static but also the gust of wind that blew at that moment blew your hair in your face.

"I'm being-" You start before the line cut off due to static.

You then looked to see if Haruka and Michiru had gotten away, and thankfully they had. You ran. You passed the park, and you ran and you ran and you ran, your hair blowing behind you and some in your face.

I cant believe I was the target! You thought as you ran.

"Y/N!" Usagi called but you were already running as fast as you can with the daimon behind you as Usagi noticed.

"Nani?!" Usagi shouted and ran to get the others.

As you were being chased you realized.

Couldn't I just start throwing random objects at it? You thought. You ran and then noticed that there was a waterfall just up ahead (No, I didnt take this from the anime (maybe) I just thought of it)

Well I guess i'll jump. You thought. You ran to the waterfall and being careful for where you landed (So y/n doesn't die) you jumped. And landed in the water with a splash, and the water looked like the blue sky.

Your head broke to the surface and swam away as the Daimon died from the water. You picked up your soaked book.

"Well." You sigh as you look at your ruined book and see one page that isn't ruined. It says:

Dear Y/N,

Sorry if I ruined a bit of this book but I think my partner has a crush on you.

Your friend,

Michiru Kaiou.

You were shocked. Michiru had called Haruka her partner. You then realized their identities as Sailor Neptune and Sailor Uranus.

You ran to find Haruka and Michiru and told them about your identity.

"Well seems like the cats out of the bag." Michiru smiled. They confirmed your suspicions.

"So...why are you looking for the talismans?" You asked them. You were as curious as a cat. And very curious at that.

"To save the world from destruction." Haruka replied.

"Friends?" You asked. Haruka blushed for a moment before the two of them chorused a yes.

Even though you were loyal to your Princess, (Usagi) you decided to help them find the talismans.

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