2nd Date + Mistress 9

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N/N: Nickname

F/C: Favorite Color

You woke up to the sound of the birds chirping loudly and your alarm clock ringing in your ear. You turned off your alarm clock to look at the time then shouted.

"IM LATE!!!"

You weren't late for school. It was a Saturday. You were late for a date. A date with Haruka. You got on your best dress in your f/c. You rushed out the door but not before you did your hair in the most elegant style you could think of.

You ran out the door after being late, occasionally tripping before you came to a halt in front of Haruka at the park.

"Sorry i'm late!" You said.

"It's alright." said Haruka.

"Thanks for understanding." You said.

"No problem." said Haruka. "Anyway, bunhead does it often, right N/N?"

You nodded.

"I love being with you." You said before you heard the inners. You looked, remembering how a couple days ago they were evil but weren't anymore, fighting someone.

"Hey, that looks like Hotaru. Chibi-Usa's friend." You commented. Haruka turned around and nodded.

"YOU GONNA HELP US FIGHT MISTRESS 9 YOU GUYS?" shouted Sakura. You nodded and turned to Haruka before smiling sadly.

"Guess this is how our second date went." You said before transforming and rushing to help the others.

"Aries...Sniper!" You shouted.

Your attack hit Mistress 9 before Sailor Moon shouted.


"You mean as in Hotaru Tomoe?" You asked. She nodded.

"Mistress 9 is in her body at the moment, but her soul returned everything to us and her soul is Sailor Saturn." explained Sakura. "And so, once we defeat Mistress 9 we can defeat Pharaoh 90!"

"Ohhh." said Sailor Moon.

Everyone else attacked and Mistress 9 got defeated.

"YAY!" Everyone shouted before seeing the outers plus Pluto come over.

"Konichiwa! Get over here and help us fight!" You shouted as they nodded.

(Part 1 XD)

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