The Trap

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"Y/N, I wonder why you were the Death Busters 3rd target." mused Isabella.

"Eh, I guess I had a pure heart crystal." You said. "Then, I decided to help Haruka and Michiru."

"You got that right." said Isabella.

"And then Sakura was targeted and so was Kaze." You said. "And Rei was too. And a girl in my apartment building."

"Must be busy." said Isabella. "I wonder if you'll get targeted again. I mean like, they never saw your pure heart crystal."

"True." You said. "But then again, Kaze didnt have a talisman in her's and they're still looking for her."

"Yeah." said Isabella. You took out a sketchbook and began drawing.

"Watcha drawing?" asked Isabella, peeking over your shoulder.

"Elissa, you, and me as mermaids." You said. You finished in about five minutes.

You heard a scream after showing Isabella your completed picture and you both transformed.



You both ran to the spot and saw Kaze already there, talking to Eudial, and Tellu (To be honest, @DarkSailorMoonFanfic should know she made the plot of the chapter lol) keeping Sakura away from Kaze. Kaze told Eudial she had to fight her for the talisman but when Kaze was distracted Eudial took the talisman. You tried firing an attack at her but she and Tellu had disappeared.

"You alright Sakura?" asked Kaze. Sakura nodded and handed Kaze the real talisman.

"Had it all along." said Sakura. You sighed in relief and went to go tell Haruka and Michiru what happened, along with Isabella.

Flight || Haruka TenohTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon