Sakura Targeted

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"A pure-heart crystal." Michiru said as we ran to find the owner. Your hair was in your face so you had to constantly push it back every five seconds. Michiru's hair blew behind her, and Haruka's hair looked the same, just somewhat blowing.

"Wait-!" Haruka was shocked to see that Sakura was with the owner of the pure-heart crystal.

We then transformed. Haruka obviously loathed Sakura, and wouldn't hesitate to take her pure-heart crystal.

"Lets let Kaze, or should I say, Chibi Uranus, handle this on her own for a minute." You suggested. "After all, they are a couple."

"Mini World Shaking!" Chibi Uranus shouted.

The Daimon dodged.

"Okay wait-" You looked at the two. "Are you jealous, or just strict?"

"Strict." The two of them replied as you noticed that Sakura had her pure-heart crystal taken.

"Mini...Space sword blaster!" Chibi Uranus shouted.

The daimon dodged again.

"Wow this Daimon is sure good at fighting." You remarked as you readied yourself for attacking as Kaolinite took hold of Sakura's pure-heart crystal. You didn't loath Sakura, you just knew that she was Usagi's sister, but other than that, you never met till a couple days ago.

"Aries...Sniper!" You shouted.

The arrow hit Kaolinite and she dropped the pure-heart crystal. Her arm was burned, and the place where it was burned was as black as night.

"We'll take this now." Neptune said to Chibi Uranus.

"Nani?!" Chibi-Uranus shouted.

"We just need to examine it." Uranus said. They ran off.

You looked at Kaolinite who was so mad and to protect Chibi Uranus you fired again.


You then ran off with the two and you examined it.

"Not a talisman." You said very quickly.

You grabbed the pure-heart crystal from them, knowing they might destroy it since it's Sakura's, and ran to her. You tossed it to Chibi Uranus.

"There." You said. You looked at the Daimon and decided to use one attack to help your Princess.


You then ran in the shadows with Neptune and Uranus.

"The mysterious guardians/scouts/senshi..." Sailor Moon muttered.

"Sorry if we can't help." You said, hoping they wont reconize that that attack was yours. "But we have to leave now." You ran away with them and then looked back and sighed when you saw that Sakura was thankfully alright.

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