New Target: Airako

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You and Haruka were talking about the enemy.

"Why would they need the pure-heart crystals?" You asked.

"Probably to destroy the world. Plus, they got here on our watch so me must be the ones to stop them." said Haruka after you were about to ask for the billionth time why they wouldn't help the inners. Sakura suddenly ran up followed by Kaze.

"She made so many note cards..." panted Kaze.

"Read them though!" shouted Sakura, thrusting the note cards into your hands like it was a bomb. "I found out who the next target most likely is!"

"This doesn't explain anything." You said, blinking after looking at all the note cards.

You went to get them ice cream after giving the note cards back to Sakura before a scream pierced the air like shattered glass.

You ran like your life depended on it, knowing who the scream belonged to.

You saw Mimete holding Airako's pure-heart crystal. You saw Haruka and Kaze running at full speed towards you, Mimete, and the lifeless Airako, and Sakura barely keeping up.

Then, you all transformed.

(Cause Kaze and Haruka)

"Stop right there!" You shouted, somewhat acting like Sailor Moon.

"Oh, its you again." said Mimete. "No worries! I'll get rid of you first!"

Mimete summoned a daimon. Sakura nodded at Haruka and they transformed into their super forms while you and Chibi Uranus fought the daimon.

You and Chibi Uranus then stopped after seeing them and let them attack.



The Daimon was defeated and you and Chibi Uranus returned Airako's pure heart crystal.

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